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Tracking The Economy Report

... well, but that can change at any given moment in time. The reason we can say this is because our unemployment rate has decreased and it hasn’t been this low in quite some time. We can also say that our economy is doing poorly, the reason for this is because there are thousands and thousands of people in our country that are still unemployed and/or on welfare. The unemployment rate is as low as its’ been but there are still far too many people in this country without jobs, and so unemployment although diminished recently, still exis ...

Number of words: 934 | Number of pages: 4

Milton Friedman

... When the Great Depression hit worldwide, it was up to the economists to explain it and to devise a cure for it. A person named John Maynard Keynes came up with an explanation to the economic slump that was so simple people did not think it would work. Keynes explanation was something like this; in a normal economy, there is a high level of employment, and everyone is spending their earnings as usual. This means there is a circular flow of money in the economy, as my spending becomes part of your earnings, and your spending becomes ...

Number of words: 1035 | Number of pages: 4

Origin And History Of Rice

... of gods. China had been visited by an especially severe period of floods. When the land had finally drained, people came down from the hills where had taken refuge, only to discover that all the plants had been destroyed and there was little to eat. Due to hunting, animals become scarce. On a particular day, the people say a dog coming across a field, and hanging on the dog’s tail were bunches of long yellow seeds. The people then planted the seeds and rice eventually grew. The origins of rice have been a major debate for some period ...

Number of words: 993 | Number of pages: 4

Canada's Foreign Trade

... with the standard of living that they have been enjoying for years. Canada has been trading with many nations (including Britain which supported apartheid) since the early 1700's. Since its foundation, Canada has relied upon trade with foreign countries to generate employment and increase the wealth of its economy. Many other countries rely upon the products with which Canada supplies to them through trade. China, a communist country, with the largest population in the world, relies heavily on Canadian food products to feed its enormous pop ...

Number of words: 785 | Number of pages: 3

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Market Economy.

... a majority of people either rich or poor, and, social class usually effects the way people may choose their government. In a market economy, the advantages are normally aimed towards the middle/upper class in a community. This is why we normally find them in richer communities (i.e. England, USA). The concept of a market economy is to allow people to get through life by themselves. Government usually does little to change the economy, and, the control is given to the people with the money, or, rather, the people with the businesses. The main ...

Number of words: 831 | Number of pages: 4

Adam Smith: Conceptions Of Value

... University of Glasgow in 1737, and became a student of moral philosophy. He later was appointed professor of moral philosophy. Similar to Hume, Locke, and Newton, Smith focused on the function of the universe. He believed the universe to be a giant machine. This concept is called the mechanistic universe. In this universe, everything happens from physical laws, and reactions between cause and effect. A mechanist, like Smith, would understand no living being has a choice of the way it behaves. No one can predict the future for the pres ...

Number of words: 2014 | Number of pages: 8

Tariffs And Trade Restrictions To Save Jobs

... laws, not the least of which is that there is no such thing as a free lunch. As it turns out, import restrictions do not save jobs, they cost them. The flaw in the protectionist's argument is to view only a tiny part of the economy, imagining how it would be affected by taxing its foreign competitors, ignoring the remainder of the economy, and then concluding that what is best for that small part of the economy must be good for the whole. It's a laughable logic. Import restrictions can take several forms. Typically, Congress will use tari ...

Number of words: 1241 | Number of pages: 5

Business Process Redesign Or Reengineering

... from those involved, BPR or Reengineering can work for any company. The Hydrel Experience A good example of this is Hydrel, a manufacturer of in-ground and underwater lighting equipment. They were about to begin selling their products in the international market, and were afraid their current systems could handle the rapid increase in volume. So the company president, Craig Jennings, hired the D. Appleton Company (DACOM) to help reengineer the company's plans to handle its growth rate. After DACOM reviewed Hydrel's functional a ...

Number of words: 971 | Number of pages: 4

Collective Farms Of The Soviet Union

... nation to rival capitalist countries was through industrialization. Basically, this meant the conversion of Russia from a state of tradesmen and family farms, in which communism seemed implausible, to one of huge factories and large, efficient farms. In theory, industrialization would increase the number and hence the strength of the proletariat as a class, thwart an already staunchly anticommunist world, and fulfill Marx's promise of material wealth following the revolution. The idea of industrialization as the means to true socialism ne ...

Number of words: 1866 | Number of pages: 7

The Cost Of Buying A Used Car

... that used cars are good for many different people, for many different reasons. Some people like to own new cars and so they get rid of their old cars to make room for the new car. This proves very useful for the person that cannot afford a new car. Unfortunately, the used car is rarely in perfect condition, and can sometimes require some minor repair. Of course, one can't expect to find a great used car that does not cost more then a car in worse condition, but this is to be expected. When one goes to buy a used car they should look fo ...

Number of words: 641 | Number of pages: 3

Efficient Market Theory

... and manipulate information to make stocks appear to perform above average. An understanding of the underlying inefficient “human” factors in the market equation is necessary in order to account for the flaw in Efficient Market Theory. Efficient Market Theory: A Contradiction of Terms Efficient Market Theory (EMT) is based on the premise that, given the efficiency of information technology and market dynamics, the value of the normal investment stock at any given time accurately reflects the real value of that stock. The price for a st ...

Number of words: 1263 | Number of pages: 5

Interview With Mr. Smallwood

... processes and includes areas of complex analysis and differential equations. We then discussed the major applications of Calculus for the defense department. One area that Calculus is used in, is the study of motion. It allows finding the acceleration or velocity of a moving object at any time during it’s path. Distance, time, velocity and acceleration are all linked together using calculus formulation. Calculus is also used in the study of optics. Finding the tangent to a given curve at a specific point allows us to determine at what a ...

Number of words: 698 | Number of pages: 3

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