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Personal Writing: Fragment - Changes In Life

... but these that really stand out in my mind are mainly because they happened quite recently. Incidents occur in one's life daily. Most of the time people enjoy talking about "what happened today" because most of the time it's usually funny and it isn't really considered anything serious. Some happenings in our lives are very serious and aren't as easy to talk about with others. Even though this is true it does help the person feel better to talk about their problems whether they realize it at first or not. Changes in life li ...

Number of words: 1149 | Number of pages: 5

Want To Be A Canadian?

... put your hood or cap on and walk as if it was not raining and you did not care the rain. More importantly do not forget to use a nice smell shampoo. When your hair gets a little wet, it'll release good smell. Mountain Equipment Coop: Do you know where you should get your rain jacket? "Mountain Equipment Coop" is where you should go. Look at our all teacher's rain jackets. Do you see any Mountain Equipment Coop jackets? Yeah, everyone is wearing them. The place to go : If you are a teenager, you should go to Lonsdale Quay on Weekend n ...

Number of words: 487 | Number of pages: 2

Perosnal Writing: My Experience In The Navy

... to speak English. I could imagine myself of being left alone in a crowded classroom of almost 50 students, tears were almost come out of my eyes but luckily I told myself that I had to learn how to speak English and to be part of an American. I always wanted to see the world and travel. In the winter of 1995, I decided to join the United States Navy. I remembered clearly in my mind the night was very cold and windy, I left my warmth and fill of loves family to go join the Navy. I arrived Great Lakes, Illinois where the training camp f ...

Number of words: 1099 | Number of pages: 4

Personal Writing: A Schoolyard Lesson

... I threw on some Bugle Boy caches, a Polo shirt, and some Nikes. After giving up on my hair; I ran into the kitchen and snatched my lunch box off the counter. Soon I was out the door and on to face my first day at my new school. After defeating the labyrinth of streets that we call our neighborhood, and meeting my first crossing guard; I made my way into the school. It was quite crowded , but I knew where I was headed. I proceeded up the stairs and down the hall to room 212, where I sat down in the front row. I turned around and took a qu ...

Number of words: 1336 | Number of pages: 5

I Declare My Independence From Homework

... in doing so to justify the pending rebellion. Homework causes undue stress at an early age, leading to premature death of many students. It has limited the time that students have to work, participate in extra-curricular activities, and furthermore it creates a less friendly student-teacher relationship, thus causing inter-personal stress. Homework causes overall dislike of the school system by students. Uncompleted homework forces many students to miss undue amounts of school in order to finish impossible work-loads assigned by teachers. It ...

Number of words: 428 | Number of pages: 2


... he had found the consequences of that action really amusing), and paced off to the staff room. "I'll bowl ya!" he heard the irate dishwasher yell, but the dishwasher always yelled that, and Derek had long since ceased to notice: he was already reaching for his cigarette pack. With quick, practiced movements he withdrew one of the long tubes from the cardboard package. With one hand he placed it in a precise position in his lips while the other hand was occupied with first replacing the package to his shirt pocket, then digging out a h ...

Number of words: 8360 | Number of pages: 31

A Modern Interpretation Of Everyman (the Excerpt)

... Of humans, and human affairs, and things we do every day. And the reigning state of human affairs, and how quickly they do decay. For the people have forgotten, their Christian and goodly ways. And instead sit at home and ponder, how exactly to spend their days. Their days of sin and gluttony, of indulgence and of cuckoldry. The days which will fade away, and leave the signs of sin and of adultery. At any rate I promise the show will be a thing to remember and a good thing to retain, for it fortells of how God will judge us and ...

Number of words: 1932 | Number of pages: 8

My Job At HomeBase Of North Hollywood

... the most reasons why I chose working at this particular job. My job title progressed from a cashier up to a phone operator, then to a credit card representative, and finally, to a vault person. I learned how to handle my money with responsibility and accuracy. In addition, I acquired great phone communicational skills and gained confidence in my voice and my actions. By being a credit card representative, I found out how to process an application and deliver the response to a customer within three minutes. Working in the safe was one of t ...

Number of words: 433 | Number of pages: 2

The Morning

... I had eaten Mexican food the night before. It was not just any Mexican food; it was Pancho's All You Can Eat Buffet. This was the most fattening and greasiest food around, and you could get all of it you wanted! I must have eaten eight beef enchiladas and six soft chicken tacos, not too mention the flour tortillas, rice and beans. Needless to say this type of food does not settle well with your stomach, not even for an all you can eat pro like myself. I thought the bomb I dropped before I went to sleep would make for an easy morning. ...

Number of words: 930 | Number of pages: 4

The Pharmacy

... There are about eleven people waiting to pick up their prescriptions. A lady had a cart full of stuff and she demanded that the person at the register ring up all of her stuff. The employee pointed up at a sign that said, “For faster service you can only purchase items from . The lady started to argue saying, “why cant you take my thing there is a big line out front”. The employee said, “there are a lot of customer behind you so if you would please go up to the front register we would appreciate it”. After arguing for a while t ...

Number of words: 526 | Number of pages: 2

Just Trying To Help

... in myself I am able to tell people when their comments are rude or offensive to me. Although there is the occasional case when the comments will turn more personally towards me, on the average most people change the topic of the conversation fairly quickly when they are confronted. The regret I had about never standing up for, not just the members of my family, but for any person, or group of people, that is discriminated against, led to a problem I encountered a few years ago during my sophomore year in high school. My high school is pred ...

Number of words: 1070 | Number of pages: 4

My Truck

... she has to remove my blocks. I Hated This!!! Now, six yeard laterI can see her point; my room would not get vacuumed for month at a time. I would come home from school and find my room clean and vacuumed!! When I saw what had happened to my blocks I got mad, I wouldn't eat dinner that night. The next time I refused to let her move them and I got into a lot of tantrums over this. My mom tried to draw the positioning of the blocks onto graph paper, so she could put them back later, but it did not work out. The trucks and the blocks jus ...

Number of words: 458 | Number of pages: 2

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