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Divine Comedy

... the brink of giving in to her deadly charms when Virgil, through the intercession of a heavenly lady, wakes him from this troubled slumber (Purgatorio 19.7-36). A complex image, Dante's Siren demonstrates the deadly peril of inordinate earthly pleasure masked by a self-fabricated visage of beauty and goodness, concurrently incorporating themes of unqualified repentance and realization of the true goodness of things divine. The Sirens are familiar literary characters from Greek mythology; they are most recognized as one of the many perils O ...

Number of words: 1939 | Number of pages: 8

Cyrano De Bergerac - Book Review

... 5 is 15 years later at a convent. The story begins at the Hotel de Bougogue. Cyrano goes to and climbs on a stage inside the Hotel. Cyrano insults 48 people including the Marquis. He duels a man named Valvert and kills him. Cyrano also hears news that a friend would be killed that night. Next, Cyrano goes to his friend's house and saves him by fighting off over a dozen men. Cyrano then hears news that Roxane wants to meet him at Rageaneau's Bakery. The next day Cyrano goes to Rageaneau's Bakery and mee ...

Number of words: 766 | Number of pages: 3

Macbeth - Lady Macbeth Is Worse Than Macbeth

... my stir." On the other hand, Lady Macbeth, on receiving the letter telling her about the witches' prophecies, she immediately thinks that she and Macbeth will have to kill king Duncan. She also decides that Macbeth is too nice to kill the king, sayin that he "is too ful o' the milk of human kindness" and when she hears the Duncan will visit their castle that night, she immediately appeals to the evil spirits, to (ironically) give her the strength to kill the king. In Act 1, Scene 7, Macbeth is doubtfull of Lady Macbeth's plot to kill t ...

Number of words: 478 | Number of pages: 2

Dillards Delay

... was passed out due to the consequences of to much alcohol. Dillard wasn't quite a doctor yet, but he had been going through medical school to become one and was almost ready to graduate. I think that James was put in a bad situation, does he try to save someone's life and risk his future or does he walk away and do the safe thing? Being trained as a doctor, he knew what to do for a blocked airway and a possible spinal injury. He had the training to stay calm and not panic. I think that your adreneline kicks in when you are put in a situatio ...

Number of words: 1196 | Number of pages: 5

What Philosophy Might Do To Us

... through the limitations of an inauthentic life to discover "being" (Heidegger p.5-6). This "leap" is essentially "untimely." Because it questions the popular view during the epoch, in which it is asked (Heidegger p.8). If the philosophy is accepted by the majority then it is no philosophy at all, it is part of the commonsensical because it is not an original thought. The fact that philosophy is "untimely" can be illustrated through the Socratic Dialogues. Socrates wanted the people of Athens to think about things the way they are instead o ...

Number of words: 733 | Number of pages: 3

A Rose For Emily

... part of Emily's life is spent with her father, Mr. Grierson. Two cousins visit her a while after her father’s death, but otherwise no other family members are mentioned. Emily's father has great control over her actions. He has power to keep her from finding a life outside of his: "We remembered all the young men her father had driven away." Emily learns through her relationship with her father that the only way to love is through power. He dies when Emily is about 30 years old, and, while it gives her freedom, she mourns his death. ...

Number of words: 624 | Number of pages: 3

The Sovereignty And Goodness O

... herself, moving to the more tolerant Rhode Island. (Pg 9) This is an excellent example that New England women knew their role and violation of their role was not tolerated. In the seventeenth century women’s primary existence was to serve their husbands and take care of the children and homes. In today’s society that might sound like slavery of some sort but this was the way of life for the women of New England. Their skills consisted of cooking, cleaning, sewing and taking care of the children. They were responsible for ma ...

Number of words: 1184 | Number of pages: 5

The Rime Of The Ancient Marine

... Mariner’s punishment because no matter how hard he tries or how much he prays his sin is carried along within him. The pain of his sin goes away right after he tells his tale but it returns shortly afterwards. The Mariner says that, after telling the Hermit his story, “Since then, at an uncertain hour that agony returns.” Since the first time the Mariner confessed his crime to the Hermit at an inconsistent hour God reminds the Mariner of the sin he has committed by piercing his heart with agonizing pain. He tells t ...

Number of words: 625 | Number of pages: 3


... The blue sky looked like a sapphire shining in a cloud of dust. The shining sun reflected off the clean white snow causing my eyes to squint reflexively. I looked towards the red berries peeking through freshly fallen snow. The ice the clung to the tree branches looked like filed of crystal surrounding me. The sounds of echoed around me. The wind whistled through the creaking branches and the birds sang a somber song. I heard the icicles falling into the slow-moving river as Canadian Geese made their presence known. Their honking ...

Number of words: 356 | Number of pages: 2

Green Grass Running Water

... in their lives . This is also a time to celebrate how the world was once created and to insure harmony between all living things. Thomas King proves this thesis using the characters Alberta, and Lionel. Alberta Frank is a Native American woman teaching native studies to a small group of "white" students at the University of Calgary. This Native American woman is lecturing on the "destruction aimed at . . . reservations," a topic integral to her life, and one from which a great deal of passion should be generated. However, her ...

Number of words: 1536 | Number of pages: 6

The Scarlet Letter

... Hester could very easily have been deduced as evil, or the "bad guy," as she was by the townspeople. That is, she was convicted of adultery, a horrible sin of the time, but maybe not even seen as criminal today. As for punishment, a sentence to wear a scarlet "A" upon her chest, it would hardly be considered a burden or extreme sentence in present day. Or Hester can be seen as rebelling against a society where she was forced into a loveless marriage and hence she would be the "good guy," or girl, as the case may ...

Number of words: 481 | Number of pages: 2

Families On The Fault Line

... draw out the truth about their experiences and their attitudes. She argues that the myth of America as a classless society keeps the problems of working-class families from being acknowledged and dealt with, and that, for these "invisible'' Americans, the shrinking economy has brought fear and anger, hopelessness and helplessness. Rubin sees an shocking rise in white ethnicity as frustrated white working-class families seek to place the blame for their problems on ethnic minorities--an attitude, she claims, that has been fostered by nat ...

Number of words: 1437 | Number of pages: 6

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