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The Symbol Of Blood In Macbeth

... and dudgeon gouts of blood", indicating that the knife has been visciously and violently stabbed into someone. The next reference, in Scene 2, is when Lady Macbeth smears the blood from the dagger on the faces and hands of the sleeping servants "I'll guild the faces of the grooms withal, for it must seem their guilt". This is another sinister and evil reference to blood, setting up the innocent servants of the king. Again, blood is referred to when Malcolm and Donaldbain are discussing what to do and Malcolm says : "there's daggers in men ...

Number of words: 429 | Number of pages: 2

Theprince By Machiavelli Chap

... meaningless for he cannot gain anything by constantly changing his goals and his decisions. An example of this would be a manager wishes to complete a task and he orders his workers to begin this task. The manager later decides to change this task abandoning his first task, and he instructs his workers to begin the new task. The manager instructs his workers to return to the first task. The workers begin to become frustrated, and the manager has yet to accomplish a task. Thus, a leader must not vacillate in order to accomplish any goal. ...

Number of words: 779 | Number of pages: 3

The Client

... trying to commit suicide, because of a dangerous secret he knew. Mark and his younger brother Ricky, stumbled upon Jerome one day, as he was trying to commit suicide. Jerome revealed the dangerous secret to Mark, which made Mark a major target of the mafia. Mark was pushed around and overlooked, but as soon as people found out Mark knew this dangerous secret, they all wanted a piece of him. Mark knew he was in trouble so he did t! he only thing he knew possible, which was get a lawyer. The lawyers’ name was Reggie Love, a woman. Mark despise ...

Number of words: 1222 | Number of pages: 5

Learning Experiences(To Kill A

... experiences at school, where she confronts a teacher who dosen’t understand why she can read and where she meets Walter Cunningham. Later, Atticus explains to her that to judge a person you must try to see things from that person’s point of view. You must learn to walk aroun in his skin. Then you cab uderstand better why a person acts or belives what he does. Only at the end of the novel does Scout finally learn to respect this saying. Until then, she remains curious and confused why Boo never came out of his house. In ...

Number of words: 593 | Number of pages: 3

People And Their Strange Habits

... keep still-only 5 people out of the 30 produced smooth speeches, those that were confident and had previous experience. From my observation, it was evident that they were nervous and scared. Last Saturday, I went out with a group of friends for dinner. While drinking a bottle of Corona, my attention was shifted to my close friend, Kenny. I caught Kenny tapping his mug of beer 3 consecutive times with his index finger before taking a drink. A few minutes surpassed and he repeated this act again. I also looked at my watch to discover that ...

Number of words: 519 | Number of pages: 2

Honor Killings

... These two opposing aspects of war and combat are seen throughout the poem. Homer repeatedly tells us in graphic and striking detail the savageness and cruelty of death in combat. We see through his descriptions and illustrations exactly what death in battle truly entails: the desolation, the devastation, the barbarity, and the terrible suffering. There is no honour whatsoever in military combat here. "Idomeneus stabbed Erymas in the mouth with the pitiless bronze, so that the brazen sperhead smashed its way clean through below the brain i ...

Number of words: 1247 | Number of pages: 5

Shakespear In Love

... falls in love with her at first sight. but the man who is to marry the young woman stops William and threatens to kill him. The man asks for William’s mane and he gives him the name of another playwriter. the man kicks Shakespeare out of the castle where he goes to the window of viola where he talks to her. Then the next day the young boy who William followed continued to come to play rehearsal’s . The play Shakespeare was working on was to become the modern play of “Romeo and Juliet.” the rehearsal’s ...

Number of words: 600 | Number of pages: 3

Hemingway's "In Our Time": Lost Generation

... or maybe even somewhat inadvertently conveys a message about the time period in question. All of the "messages" bring the reader to an understanding of a generation, the "lost generation" that appears to result from Hemingway's novel. Ernest Hemingway uses intense short stories to leave a feeling of awe and wonder in the reader of In Our Time. One begins to become emotionally involved and attached to Hemingway's many stories, just as he himself appears to hold some personal attachment and emotion to each story. One could even speculate that ...

Number of words: 1402 | Number of pages: 6

What Is Wealth

... a person truly content. These things do not necessarily bring wisdom either. When I think of wealth a quotation comes to mind. It was said by Henry David Thoreau: "Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations... Their authors are a natural and irresistible aristocracy in every society, and, more than kings or emperors, exert an influence on mankind." I believe that if one chooses to enrich their mind and strive for knowledge that they are truly wealthy. Wealth is the abi ...

Number of words: 827 | Number of pages: 4


... setting the mood in a scene that is a mere ten lines. By beginning the play with the witches, Shakespeare is making it clear that something wicked is going to happen involving . In Act I, Scene 1, the third witch states "There to meet with . (I,i,8)" This shows that the three witches are planning to meet with but the reason is still unknown. The words and phrases that the witches choose to express themselves foreshadow 's plot to become king: When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lighting, or in rain? Second Witch When the hurly-b ...

Number of words: 798 | Number of pages: 3

Inherit The Wind

... only strength of Matthew Harrison Brady is his power in deliveringh his ideas. As in the earthen dam example, the townspeople represent the city protected from the water by the dam. Once the dam breaks, all the townspeople below get wet and are shaken to their foundations. Matthew Harrison Brady, without a doubt, deserves no sympathy. One example of Brady’s overly self-confidence would be "No…I believe we should welcome Henry Drummond." (Pg. 25). Ha! What a shock he is in for. His own "high and mighty" thinking ...

Number of words: 845 | Number of pages: 4

King Lear - Parrellelism In King Lear

... characters. Using such literary device permits the audience to understand the emotions of the essential characters in the play. The magnificent similarity of different plots and characters can illustrate Shakespeare's perfect use of parallelism in King Lear. Parallelism is greatly enhanced by the use of subplots, for it creates emphasis and suspense. The parallel between Lear and Gloucester displayed in the play cannot possibly be accidental. The subplot of Gloucester corresponds the major plot of Lear. The two fathers have their own l ...

Number of words: 1212 | Number of pages: 5

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