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Christian Elements In Beowulf

... By placing his ashes in the seaside cave, people passing by will always remember the legendary hero and king, Beowulf. In this recognized epic, Beowulf, is abound in supernatural elements of pagan associations; however, the poem is the opposite of pagan barbarism. The presentation of the story telling moves fluidly within Christian surroundings as well as pagan ideals. Beowulf was a recited pagan folklore where the people of that time period believed in gods, goddesses, and monsters. It’s significance lies in an oral history where peop ...

Number of words: 2044 | Number of pages: 8

Hamlets Verse

... two separate sides of Hamlet's inner self. Hamlet's soliloquies show both the side of Hamlet that thinks without acting and his side that acts without thinking. Through this struggle we see Hamlet trying to unravel the value of truth, moral and absolute. Hamlet is basically a confused, frustrated individual who is looking for the right thing to do but is confronted with two options, to murder or to not murder or the moral truth vs. the need to "set it right". Each part of Hamlet is trying to find a different truth but in the end we find that ...

Number of words: 544 | Number of pages: 2

Jungle 5

... his family’s desire to provide Jurgis and his bride with a wedding feast. This problem was happily solved and he eventually worked at various positions in the town. Jurgis, someone who believes in the value of hard work, was naïve in thinking that anything can be accomplished through the application of it. Jurgis was forced to send his family to work in order to survive. He was horrified to discover how the meat packers, where he worked, took advantage of their employees. The workers at the plant had no benefits, worked long hours, and ...

Number of words: 570 | Number of pages: 3

The Stars Are My Destination

... Gulliver Foyle was awaiting death aboard the wreckaged ship NOMAD in deep space. It’s been six months since the NOMAD was left out to rust. Foyle just happened to be the sole survivor. Until one day, a sister ship to the NOMAD, VORGA managed to cross paths with the wreckage. Foyle did everything he could to send out rescue signals. But alas, his actions were wasted time and effort, for she had rejected him. And thus began his quest for vengeance upon the VORGA. As his ship drifted out further into space, Foyle had spent hi ...

Number of words: 1526 | Number of pages: 6

Catch 22

... complete until 1961. There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to he was sane ...

Number of words: 1147 | Number of pages: 5

Macbeth 10

... Queen. Before the murder Lady Macbeth plays the role of boss, in my opinion she tells Macbeth what to do every step of the way. Lady Macbeth is calm, excited, very greedy and quite ambitious as her husband, she taunts Macbeth’s courage to insure that he will murder Duncan and become King. Macbeth is a little bit more on a different path. Macbeth is one of Duncan’s most courageous generals, his driving ambition to become King of Scotland corupts him and causes him to murder Duncan and order the slaying of anyone who thr ...

Number of words: 554 | Number of pages: 3

Song Of Solomon

... throughout the book. One established father:son relationships that is significant to this issue is the one between Milkman and Macon. From the start, Macon objected to Milkman even being born; he forced Ruth to do things to her body that could possibly kill the fetus. With a little help from Pilate, however, Milkman was allowed into the world. Macon, perhaps instigated by never having a mother and seeing his own father killed, has always appeared to be a cold and unforgiving parent even to his other children besides Milkman, but since M ...

Number of words: 833 | Number of pages: 4

Money Makes The World Go Round

... person , that trial would of been over a long time ago. A rich person has the money to hire expensive lawyers , and they can tie up the system as long as they want. A jury would be more likely to convict a poor person in stead of sending a respectable rich one to jail. The jury might think, If he has money , why would he rob someone ? Because the fact that he/she is rich ! But this is just one place where money can play a big factor in life . Look at the medical field. If you don't have any money, then you probably don't get the ...

Number of words: 294 | Number of pages: 2

Caroline Compsons Obsession Wi

... because she was unable to handle the appearance of her own family. Mrs. Compson felt a great burden placed upon her life after the birth of her fourth child Benjy. At birth Benjy appeared normal, though he never fully mentally developed. When Mrs. Compson learned of her sons disability her entire life shattered. She wondered how anyone could accept her or her son now. The mother's obsession with sound and appearances led to the following, "Reckon Maury going to let me cry on him a while, too. His name is Benjy ...

Number of words: 834 | Number of pages: 4

Romeo And Juliet - Time And Fa

... Romeo notices that Rosaline, his lover, is among these names. Benvolio challenges Romeo to compare her with other "beauties." Benvolio predicts, "Compare her face with some that I shall show,/ And I will make thee think thy swan a crow." (I, ii, l 86-87) To show his appreciation, the servant asks for Romeo’s presence at the ball. Romeo should have considered the servant’s warning; if Romeo occupies the name of Montague, he shall not be permitted. Once at the ball, Romeo is searching for a maiden to substitute the unrequited love of Rosa ...

Number of words: 911 | Number of pages: 4

Hamlet Scene By Scene

... for up to four hours at a time. Polonius, in private, sends his servant Reynaldo to spy on Laertes. Polonius reminds him of how an effective spy asks open-ended questions and tells little suggestive lies. Polonius likes to spy. Ophelia comes in, obviously upset. She describes Hamlet's barging into her bedroom, with "his doublet all unbraced" (we'd say, his shirt open in front), his dirty socks crunched down, and pale and knock-kneed, "as if he had been loosèd out of hell / to speak of horrors." Or, as might say, "as if he'd seen a ghost." Ham ...

Number of words: 1084 | Number of pages: 4

To Kill A Mockingbird -x

... it was a good idea. This novel was probably set in the time it was being written. Probably around the mid 50's in a small southern town that goes by the name of Maycomb, Alabama. This was a time when there was a lot of racial tension, with colored drinking fountain, and restrooms. Basically segregation was everywhere. The novel begins when Scout recalls when her brother broke his arm. Then the entire novel consists of Scout recalling the events leading up to her brother breaking his arm. As it was said above the events begin in the sum ...

Number of words: 615 | Number of pages: 3

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