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A Voice Of The Future

... the youth of today as a whole? It’s impossible. The world has set a negative atmosphere for us so why should we try to change it? Why should we try to prove them wrong? We probably won’t be recognized, and even if we try, there will probably be someone waited to criticize us. It is a shame to say it but this is the way most of us feel. Young people don’t have an opinion until they are in trouble. We don’t get credit for the good things we do. How many times do you see the names of the students who are trying to make a differenc ...

Number of words: 557 | Number of pages: 3

The Hobbit

... under the Mountain, t hough he was killed in combat in the battle of five Armies. SMAUG: The dragon of the Lonely Mountain who hordes the treasure he stole from the dwarves of Dale. GOLLUM: He is perfect example of the evil powers of the One Ring. He was born a Hobbit but had the ring too long. It made him into a slimey little creature who only lives to possess the ring. BARD: The archer who killed Smaug. He shot the dragon in the one spot it had no protection. The t ...

Number of words: 1515 | Number of pages: 6

Christian Morals In Beowulf

... into the theme of the story. The reason that Grendel becomes outraged is that the bard in the mead hall is singing a song that has to do with creation. This shows Grendel's apparent disregard for God and he proceeds to go to the hall and capture men and eat them while they are asleep. As we progress into the story, we learn that Grendel carries the curse of Cain with him. "He bore the curse of the seed of Cain/ Whereby God punished the grievous guilt of Abel's murder." Cain was the son of Adam and Eve and was the one who murdered Abel, ...

Number of words: 625 | Number of pages: 3

The Value Of Literature

... an analysis of an experience or situation. I got a different value out of each story. With Mark Twain's The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn it showed me that one does not have to be civilized or conform to the ideas of society to become cultured or mature. With Huck Finn he ran away from everything that was considered civilized. He had nothing and really did not want anything. But at the same time he experienced and matured living dangerously. This made me value Huck's adventure and take it as my own. Huck proves his maturity when he com ...

Number of words: 584 | Number of pages: 3

Literary Devices In Homer’s Odyssey

... he has to decide how to get him and his crew out of there safely. The third literary device used is fantasy. Fantasy plays a big role in the imaginary theme of the story. Odysseus encounters many things that are not considered to be real such as the gods, the Cyclops, Calypso, and the Sirens. At the very beginning of the Odyssey, Athena tries to persuade Zeus to let Odysseus live even though he shamed Poseidon by blinding his son the Cyclops. Athena begins to tell the story of Agamemnon, connecting it to what may happen to Odysseus in the ...

Number of words: 864 | Number of pages: 4

Hamlet Vs. Oedipus

... show everyone the truth. Hamlet knows his anger toward his Uncle may cause confusion in his judgement of the truth so he is hesitant to kill him right away. Hamlet second-guesses himself throughout the play only to end up dying, but not before he kills Claudius. In Oedipus the king, a child is born to a royal couple, this king and queen want to know how their child will be in the future. So they ask an oracle to tell them the future and it tells them he will kill his father and marry his mother. They have the child taken away to be killed, so ...

Number of words: 621 | Number of pages: 3

Ethan Frome Essay - Irony

... In the first conversation that the two have in the novel, sledding becomes one of the first topics. Mattie relates an incident, “Ned Hale and Ruth Varnum came just as near running into the big elm at the bottom…Wouldn’t it have been too awful? They’re so happy” (19). Coasting on the hill is a spirited pastime for young couples in the small town. The elm offers a bit of a scare and a chance for the young men to show off their skill. Ethan and Mattie simply want to enjoy this amusement. The chance for a sledding rid ...

Number of words: 681 | Number of pages: 3

Gimple The Fool

... villagers and refused to live a life made by him (100). Further he was guilty of blindly loving a woman who would never treat him as a human being. Gimpel did not think of himself as a fool but every reaction betrayed his lie to himself. Gimpel did not make his own way through life and allowed others to persuade his every thoughts. When the voice of reason or logic presented itself, Gimpel chose to ignore common sense. Gimpel was a fool despite his self-denial. As a necessity of his community Gimpel served the purpose of bread maker and ...

Number of words: 1052 | Number of pages: 4

Dr Faustus

... an audience's attention with hours of serious, deep and emotional content without also having something to lighten the mood. With this point of view I realized that it was very possible that Mr. Marlowe did not in fact write the comic sections of this play (I really wanted to believe that he wrote them), maybe a later playwright found that the play was too serious. The fact that I wanted Marlowe to be the author of the whole play (I don't like it when someone comes along a changes a piece of art, or that people say that someone changed it b ...

Number of words: 1105 | Number of pages: 5

Character Analysis Of Prospero

... characters in the play. Thanks to Ariel, he is also knows everything as well. Like a god, he punishes the guilty, but with grace he shows mercy and gives second chances. After Caliban attempts to rape Miranda, Prospero does not get rid of him. If I were Prospero, I would have a severe monthly payment punishment-plan installed for Caliban. Near the end of the play, after Properso reveals the conspiracies of all those against him, there is no harsh punishment as one would imagine. He basically just demands repentance. Forgiveness is one ...

Number of words: 881 | Number of pages: 4

Compare And Contrast: Aneas And Turnus

... courage, loyalty, and will are tested in the Aeneid. Through seemingly endless journeys by sea, through love left to wither, and through war and death, Aneas exhibits his anchored principals and his unwavering character. "Of arms I sing and the hero, destiny's exile... Who in the grip of immortal powers was pounded By land and sea to sate the implacable hatred of Juno; who suffered bitterly in his battles As he strove for the site of his city, and safe harboring For his Gods in Latium" (Virgil 7). As a slave to the gods and their ...

Number of words: 1105 | Number of pages: 5

Gattaca The Movie And Discrimi

... promises, but when used in the fashion as it was used in the Gattaca I think its progress should be carefully monitored. Right now sheep and other animals are being cloned. Soon primates and Humans could be cloned. I think we should further investigate human cloning for research on the parenting process and other physiological experiments that can only be used now on identical twins separated at birth. These experiments when used could be used to gain insight on what our genes determine in our personalities. I also think that the achievement ...

Number of words: 410 | Number of pages: 2

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