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Out Of This Furnace

... is one such story. Coming to America with dreams and hopes of a better life, Bell tells the story of reality and challenges that await the immigrating Slovaks. He shows through the lives of Kracha, Mike, and Mary, that immigrants can be successful despite the anti-immigrant sentiment and power of large corporations. Djuro Kracha, a recent immigrant, leaves Hungary in hopes that he is "leaving behind the endless poverty and oppression that were the birthrights of a Slovak peasant in Franz Josef's empire" (Bell, p.3). Kracha's desir ...

Number of words: 1356 | Number of pages: 5

Creon As The Tragic Hero In An

... of the plot. It develops mostly around his actions. For example, Creon could have had the chance to live “happily ever after” if he would have simply buried Polynices. He then sentences Antigone to death for attempting to give Polynices a proper burial. Creon’s importance in the plot leads me to believe that he is the tragic hero. Tragedies recount an individual’s downfall, usually beginning high and ending low. This individual also boasts noble qualities. Of course, Creon begins as a powerful king, but his ...

Number of words: 623 | Number of pages: 3

John Wade A Character Study--I

... of John's life; the mirrors represent both his attempt to control his world as well as a sanctuary from the reality of his helplessness. The source of John's Wade's complexity can be traced to his childhood. As a child John tries desperately to win his father's affection; Unfortunately, as is evident, John's alcoholic father seems to prefer a different sort of child, more simple and typically American. Subsequently John -through his uniqueness- fails to satisfy his father. John's father teases and ridicules him throughout his childhood. John ...

Number of words: 1135 | Number of pages: 5

The Joy Luck Club 2

... of Taoism and Confucianism into the subtle fabric of The Joy Luck Club. A reading of the text with attention to the way these two sacred systems interact between each mother and daughter offers a unique way to make sense of her group of loosely linked stories and ambiguous resolutions. Taoism as a tradition is concerned with conflicts and ambiguities, asserting that ambiguities themselves are significant and may point to the invisible core of life. Tan may weave elements of Taoism into the narrative to locate the "invisible core" of Chi ...

Number of words: 5048 | Number of pages: 19

A Book Report On Jack Shaeffer

... father, invites him to stay on as a hired hand, he agrees, having learned from Joe that the previous hand had been run off by Fletcher, the powerful and unscrupulous rancher vying for land with the homesteaders in the area. The trust Joe places in Shane helps to forge an uncommon bond of friendship between the two men, which inevitably embroils Shane in the escalating conflict. Several subplots lend added depth to the story. The most important involves the growing attraction Marian Starrett and Shane feel for each other, notwithstanding ...

Number of words: 292 | Number of pages: 2

Doped Up Or Deep Thinker

... without tripping. Nevertheless, a couple of poems did stand out for their vivid imagery and story-like quality. The original version of "Moonlight Drive," the performance piece, "An American Prayer," and "The Wild Whore Laughs" all contain wonderful images and great use of language. Concentrating less on form and more on the content, Morrison's poetry takes the reader on journeys through the depths of his imagine and the tortures of his soul. After reading this book, it was very clear that Morrison thought and felt on a different level ...

Number of words: 768 | Number of pages: 3

The Joy Luck Club 3

... takes this as being exploited by her own mother because she was raised in a society with more American influence than Chinese. In a Chinese society a woman's social standing is measured by how successful your children are and also how well you care for your spouse. Because of this, Waverly's mother boasts about Waverly's mastery of the game of chess. Throughout all of the Jing-Mei Woo stories June has to recall all of the memories of what her mother had told her. She remembers how her mother left her babies during the war. June's mo ...

Number of words: 426 | Number of pages: 2

Filial Piety

... Now filial piety is the root of (all) virtue3, and (the stem) out of which grows (all moral) teaching. Sit down again, and I will explain the subject to you. Our bodies—to every hair and bit of skin—are received by us from our parents, and we must not presume to injure or wound them. This is the beginning of filial piety. When we have established our character by the practice of the (filial) course, so as to make our name famous in future ages and thereby glorify our parents, this is the end of filial piety. It commences wit ...

Number of words: 4332 | Number of pages: 16

12 Angery Men Essay

... Mr. Davis is an effective communicator because he used assorted task messages, did not allow physical factors into his decisions, and became an emergent leader at certain times in the discussion. The first thing that made Mr. Davis an effective communicator was that he used many task messages. One type of task message he used was initiating. An example of this would be when he first voted not guilty and everyone else did, and had everyone tell him why they thought the boy was guilty. Another type of task message Mr. Davis used was gathe ...

Number of words: 538 | Number of pages: 2

Dr. Suess

... I know of can actually define a "Zizzer-zazzer-zuzz" or a "Ruffle-Necked Sala-ma-goox", as used Seuss used in his books Dr. Seuss’s ABC’s, and Scrambled Eggs Super, but that leaves it to the young readers mind to imagine how these unheard of characters look and act. "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities." -Dr. Seuss. Be able to ...

Number of words: 1197 | Number of pages: 5

Song Of Myself: Individuality And Free Verse

... from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans. Sections 1 and 2, like the entirety of the piece, seek to reconcile the individual and the natural world in an attempt to uncover the individual's humanity. Born near Huntington, New York, Whitman was the second of a family of nine children. His father was a carpenter. The poet had a particularly close relationship with his mother. When Whitman was four years old, his family moved to Brooklyn, New York, where he attended public school for six years before being apprenticed to a printer. Two years la ...

Number of words: 1500 | Number of pages: 6

"Red Convertible" And "Red Dress": Changes In Personalities

... and social life, for internal can be the desires a person has and the process of growing. In "Red Dress", the main character, Alice, her personality has changed by the desires she has which are she wants to get the independence and be matured. In "Red convertible", the main character, Henry, his personality has changed by the things he has to go through and also the surrounding. The surrounding can change people and the things they have to go through can change people also. At the beginning of the story "Red Convertible", Henry is kind ...

Number of words: 922 | Number of pages: 4

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