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Samuel De Champlain

... of many in the Algonquin peoples. I hope this letter will help people to understand the need for our differences and the acceptance of all those differences in each and every one of us. It is my hope and desire that we should all find peace within ourselves and understand our dreams as gifts from our Gods so that we may be openly guided down life's pathways and obstacles. I will begin my story as our journey began to help the Blackrobe and his friend reach the Huron Indians and the other Blackrobes. We got up early this morning to begin our ...

Number of words: 1819 | Number of pages: 7

Perseus The God Helped

... showing intelligence, and being worthy of receiving help from the gods. The first aspect of Perseus' self that makes him an epic hero is his valor. It does so in Perseus' fight with the freak Callibus. Callibus, the recently deformed man, is bigger and stronger than any normal man. The theater master tells the protagonist that "no man has fought with him and lived!" Callibus has Andromeda and the rest of the city under a spell and Perseus makes it his business to release them from it. He defeats the monster and takes his hand. Doing so ...

Number of words: 1006 | Number of pages: 4

Character Essay Of Charlie

... stress with obnoxious repulsive acts. It is obvioous that Charlie's father drinks a lot of alcohol when Charlie states, "He put his arm around me, and I smelled my father the way my mother sniffs a rose. It was a rich compound of whiskey." what makes this statement so strong is that Charlie's father was on his lunch break, so apparently he was drinking at work. In additon, at all of the restaurants they went to, he would always demand, "If it isn't to much to ask of you- if it wouldn't be to much above and beyond the call of duty, we woul ...

Number of words: 458 | Number of pages: 2

Alas, Babylon

... this when Dan Gunn and Mark take turns telling Randy all these things that he has, such as a nice car and a refrigerator, are useless when nuclear fallout occurs. It seems that man cannot function for even one minute without using things that were not even available fifty or one hundred years ago. Frank is warning us that there may be a time when we will need to retain the lifestyle of the nineteenth century, and only the people who have the knowledge of this way of life will be fine. Frank has an interesting view on the way man has prog ...

Number of words: 486 | Number of pages: 2

The Lives Of Confucius And Guatama Siddhartha

... He was one of the most prominent figures and is respected throughout all of China. He was born at Tsou, in the state of Lu, known today as the Shandong province, in the year 551 B.C. He was named Ch'iu, meaning ‘hill', because he had a very large bump on his head. This name has rarely been used because of the Chinese way of showing “reverence by avoidance”. (Encyclopedia Americana, v. 7; 540) K'ung Futzu was what was used. The name got Latinized and it became Confucius. Ever since Confucius' birth, he was a great student. ...

Number of words: 3049 | Number of pages: 12


... of the Koran and true hadiths for their purpose. She begins by describing how the male elite started running things right from the onset of Muhammad's death. When a successor to Muhammad was picked, it did not involve the people of the community at all or any women. It was done by a small group of followers which were very close to the prophet, a sort of elite group. This sort of leadership in Islam continued in the same manner as only the elite were involved. This helped preserve what they thought was essential and according to the ...

Number of words: 1371 | Number of pages: 5

Gender Issues In The Tempest

... in the adaptation. In the play, the only beings that Miranda knows are her father, the nonhuman spirit of Ariel, and the half-man-half-monster Caliban. In the miniseries, the only people Miranda knows are her father, a black slave Ariel, and a human variation of Caliban: Gator Man. The miniseries uses male forms of Ariel and Caliban, which does not force the viewer into believing in non-human characters, which makes them easier to understand. In addition, in the miniseries, Miranda has relationships with these human characters, which is not ...

Number of words: 741 | Number of pages: 3

Our Lady Of The Snows

... drive to be the ultimate force in town creates hard-core criminals that involve themselves in any business possible. At the local lounge, 'the Bradely Bar', many of these thugs can be found trying to look important and powerful. One corner of the bar is a haven for thieves and petty criminals.(pg.7) In another corner large men wearing three-piece suits drinking their usual liquor and smoking endlessly strive to show their tough enforcement side.(pg.7) The real authoritative figure in town though is a man nameEdmund J. Dubuque. Also ...

Number of words: 543 | Number of pages: 2


... and challenges. One of his great missions was his victory over Grendel. Grendel is a monster in human-like shape descending from Cain. He lives under an inherited curse and is denied God's presence. He is also known as the "guardian of sins." Grendel is also a heathen, the physical image of a man estranged by God. His enormous size and strength make him resemble early thoughts and descriptions of Satan. and his men slept in the mead hall one night and everybody lay awake for they feared when Grendel may come. When Grendel came crashing thro ...

Number of words: 585 | Number of pages: 3

A Tale Of Two Cities

... suspense and mystery, Dickens’s divides his story into episodes, allows his characters to be general, and uses the theme of doubles. The most obviously way that Dickens’s creates suspense is through his use of cliffhanger-like episodes. I can’t exactly call it clever, but Dickens’s ends a chapter with unanswered questions and loose ends. This little scheme might work for television shows in which the viewer has a whole week between episodes to think about possible outcomes, but it doesn’t have the same effect when it only ta ...

Number of words: 637 | Number of pages: 3

Lord Of The Flies

... call by lighting a fire and letting the smoke act as a signal. As the human instinct for food and survival grew, so did the self-centered, power-hungry evil in all of the children. Slowly, but surely, with fears of beasts and hunger growing, more people decided to concentrate on immediate self survival, instead of long-term good of the group. As the self centered group grew bigger, the desire to be in the safest, most powerful group grew larger, and larger. At one point in the book, the clique was so powerful, the others were not only o ...

Number of words: 779 | Number of pages: 3

Why Write

... of keeping a journal is for personal reflection. Many refer to a journal in the same manner they refer to a diary, but they are two separate forms of writing. A diary is a daily accord of the events that happened, whereas a journal will include reflections and observations of the events. Journals give somewhat of a snapshot into the time in which it was written. Memoir appropriately comes from the Latin word for memory. The focus is usually on the writer's experiences with a person, place, or event. In comparison to a journal, the main di ...

Number of words: 757 | Number of pages: 3

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