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Louis Leakey

... this hut that the beginnings of Leakey’s archaelogical aspirations took place. In one section he started a personal museum, collected all things naturalistic, from bird eggs to animal skulls. It was in 1916, at the age of fourteen, when Leakey first truly realized that he was meant for archaeology; after reading the account of stone-age men entitled "Days Before History" he was hooked. After reading about the arrowheads and axeheads created by these people, Louis began collecting and classifying as many pieces of obsidian flakes and too ...

Number of words: 2457 | Number of pages: 9

The Vote To Breakup Quebec And Canada

... election, the YES campaign had been led by Quebec's premier Jacques Parizeau. Parizeau is an economics professor, and had led a ponderous campaign, since his Parti Quebecois (PQ) won provincial power 13 months earlier. The No side, led by provincial Liberal's leader, Daniel Johnson, was winning, with warnings of a slump and heavy job losses if Quebec broke away. On October 9th, Mr. Parizeau, realizing that his campaign was failing, handed over leadership of the separatists cause to Lucian Bouchard. Bouchard was head of the Bloc Que ...

Number of words: 1249 | Number of pages: 5

Martin Luther King Jr

... selfless devotion gave direction to thirteen years of civil rights activities. King’s desire for knowledge was evident from his early years. Due to high scoring on college entrance exams, he was only fifteen years old when he began freshman year at Morehouse College. His quest for knowledge did not end in the classroom, however. He continued to broaden his horizons throughout his entire life. On a visit to India in 1959, King was able to work out more clearly his understanding of Satyagraha, Gandhi's principle of non-violent persuasion, wh ...

Number of words: 574 | Number of pages: 3

And Justice For All

... that by the government imprisoning Thoreau he became freer then ever before. He was able to see how the government turned peaceably inclined men into controllable machines. Thoreau saw how the government dealt with its citizens as only a body, while completely disregarding the sense, intellect, and moral beliefs of its people. In his essay “Civil Disobedience,” Thoreau stated that “a government ruled by majority in all cases cannot be based on justice.” He further believed that “under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the tr ...

Number of words: 1210 | Number of pages: 5


... of cigarettes; governments make billions each year from cigarette taxes (Caputo and Ostrom 484). Every year law enforcement spends countless man-hours trying to apprehend dealers and growers. This time would be better utilized in dealing with more serious crimes. This essay will display some main reasons why is a substance with beneficial uses and applications. First, can be used as a treatment for the effects of diseases such as AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, and other terminal diseases. A study carried out in California clearly demonstrates ...

Number of words: 749 | Number of pages: 3

The Corruption Crisis Of The E

... European Commission is a multicultural and multinational institution of the European Union so it is vital to take into account the cultural relativity of the meaning of corruption. Corruption can only be defined within a specific society and at a specific time. This culture specific aspect of corruption is reflected in the division of so called black, white and grey corruption. Black corruption in a given society is a repremanded behaviour both by the public and by experts. It is a well defined area of the untolerated behaviour. White co ...

Number of words: 2068 | Number of pages: 8

Alcohol Research Paper

... common occurrence around America. Whether it is after work or after a football game, white collar or blue, two-thirds of the American population sit down at least once a week to enjoy an alcoholic beverage ( Many of these people do not realize that drinking is what leads to uncontrolled behavior, drunk driving, and in the long run, addiction. They are thinking only of the short-term effects, not the negative long-term consequences. People who regularly turn to alcohol eventually begin to neglect their families and other respo ...

Number of words: 1234 | Number of pages: 5

Buying Votes

... certain issues. Farmers, laborers, gun control activists, abortion opponents, and teachers are just a few of the numerous interest groups in the United States. Any person is eligible to join these voluntary, private groups, which sometimes require a donation of money. Formed from these interest groups are Political Action Committees (PACs). A few top people run these groups. The main purpose of the PACs is to raise money. The money raised is passed on to Congressmen via a lobbyist. The term lobbyist “was initially used several centuri ...

Number of words: 1071 | Number of pages: 4


... some people’s problems. The opposing view is that people have no right to end anyone’s life at any point in time throughout life. According to Jonathan Gould and Lord Craigmyle, “… means the painless killing of men and women to end their sufferings”(15). Why do so many people condone when it is almost every mans dream? If you consider the facts, everybody would like a painless death. I don’t know many people that would like a long and painful death. People would like to die easily or in their sleep. People expect their doctor to r ...

Number of words: 1056 | Number of pages: 4

A Senator's Pain

... give facts about an event. Smith wants the reader to pay close attention to the feelings expressed by each individual she interviewed, because feelings tell more about a person and an event than the facts. In Twilight: Los Angeles 1992 the monologue by Bill Bradley entitled "Application of the Law" contributes more to Smith's piece than does the monologue by Elaine Brown entitled "Ask Saddam Hussein," because when a Senator notices the reality of racism it seems authentic. Although both Bradley and Brown give similar information it is iron ...

Number of words: 790 | Number of pages: 3

Red Guards

... in Long Marches and other activities. The man they looked up to most was a person by the name of Mao. They carried huge portraits of him and also carried banners and flags. Many people in the group beat on gongs and drums. Some observers said it looked more like a circus then a political demonstration. They did a lot of things that many thought were outrageous. At one point they raced widely through Peking denouncing anyone who was in a business. They even made a demand to change the meaning of the colors in a stop li ...

Number of words: 607 | Number of pages: 3


... the Pentagon. Here she became friends with Linda Tripp, a former White House employee, who worked in the same office. During this time President apparently sent gifts to Lewinsky, most importantly in the case against him a dress, which she saved as a souvenir, had the President's DNA on it. With things heating up in the Paula Jones case, the President asked Lewinsky to lie about visits to his office. Turning her back on Lewinsky, Tripp taped telephone conversations between herself and Lewinsky about the affairs with Mr. to setup him up. Lew ...

Number of words: 463 | Number of pages: 2

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