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China's One Birth Murder Policy

... severely damaged the human rights of the Chinese. For the last several decades China has been hampered by an overwhelming over population problem. As a result, Chinese government officials developed the one birth policy. This policy has effectively controlled population growth problems in China, but by the same token it has also caused severe internal problems. One of the most deplorable results is the active murder and abortions of female babies and fetuses. There are now nearly 30 million missing females in China. The family planning pro ...

Number of words: 694 | Number of pages: 3

The New Federalist Party

... concern. This is to restructure the government into the form that the framers of the Constitution meant for it to be in. The basis of this restructuring comes from the 10th amendment and articles of the Constitution. As you know, every major political party needs a symbol. After careful consideration, the mythological hydra has been selected. I know what your thinking, but it is effective in serving two main purposes. The first purpose is that it is an ideal representation of the new structure of government that will be implemented ...

Number of words: 3047 | Number of pages: 12

Due Process V. Crime Control Model

... that amendment. Police are asked to prevent crime and solve crimes that have already been committed. Hundreds of criminals are set free every year because evidence that is vital to the prosecution case is excluded because it was the fruit of a bad search. Criminals routinely claim they were not read their Miranda rights. When we read in our newspapers about these cases we scorn at the criminals and say such things as “ Our justice system has failed.” Due process is the method, which is to be followed from when you arrest someone to whe ...

Number of words: 560 | Number of pages: 3

Electoral Basis Of The Two-Par

... system, many views and opinions are expressed. The political party system is called a party oligarchy because of the way the election process occurs. The article says, “The party oligarchy is widened without ever becoming a democracy, for the election is carried out by the members, who are a minority in comparison with those who give their votes to the party in general elections.” Duverger also states that parties usually tend to create an opinion formed by propaganda and improper procedure, such as the ballot procedure. In conclusion, ...

Number of words: 1140 | Number of pages: 5


... progress? Does this definition of a capitalistic society include all members of the society? Carnegie has failed to include the working class counterparts to these so-called "successful" men. Carnegie's definition of capitalism is one sided and does not recognize the value of the disfavored members of its society. In reality, the only people who benefit from Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth are the ones who were rich to begin with. In a capitalist society, as Marx and Engels explain in their Manifesto of the Communist Party, the wealthy conti ...

Number of words: 437 | Number of pages: 2

The Future Of Participatory Democracy In America

... The minority upper class has more power than the majority of the population, who are removed from the government process. Only the people in three branches of government are involved in the running of our democracy. We need a better way of working this system if Participatory Government is to survive into the 21st century. We need to modify, or re-invent our democratic process, because the present system is ineffectual. One way this can be accomplished is by “leveling the playing field.” Campaign finance reformation is an answer to th ...

Number of words: 372 | Number of pages: 2

American Violence

... laws or views of existing laws may make criminal acts that were once legal; or, on the other hand, they may legalize acts that were once criminal. For example, the 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified on Jan. 29, 1919, prohibited the manufacture or sale of alcoholic beverages and the importing of them into the country. From 1920 until the amendment was repealed in 1933, something that had been legal in most parts of the United States had become a crime. Also, abortion, which had long been a crime in the United States, was ...

Number of words: 1907 | Number of pages: 7

Drug Abuse

... than there are dentists. Illegal must be stopped; it hurts our society, hurts us, and, most of all, hurts the user. Drug users are parasites, feeding off society's money, taxes and insurance. Every type of insurance goes up because of , including auto, health and homeowners. Worst of all, the crime rate will sky rocket if we let this behavior continue. Illegal drugs and their abusers are a plague to society for many different reasons.. Drugs have very harmful effects on the user and the people with whom the user interacts. The user is a ...

Number of words: 1001 | Number of pages: 4

What Is America?

... by the British. Americans could not elect a representative to the British parliament that created the laws that governed them. In addition, the British taxed Americans so heavily and unjustly that eventually American rebels took up arms against the British in a Revolutionary War. Although America had escaped from British oppression, the struggle for justice was far from over. Social problems existed in our society that had never been predicted by Washington or Jefferson. Slavery, for instance, became more and more a controversial issue unt ...

Number of words: 872 | Number of pages: 4

Is Perception Reality?

... much of anything. Additionally, I believed that they basically sat in a jail cell and read books, drew pictures or wrote letters. I also believed that they were law abiding while in prison. In other words, I believed that they were limited in not being able to break the law. Additionally, I assumed they had virtually no contact with the outside world. I completed some training in self-defense, first aid, conflict resolution, Radio Communications, etc. I was then sent to Cell Block 6 AKA Death Row. This is where my perceptions began to give way ...

Number of words: 764 | Number of pages: 3

Hiding Behind A Computer

... someone has logged onto the Internet, and they have presented their identity as the opposite sex from what they really are. There is no way of knowing what sex someone is when he or she is logged in. The net is made up of hundreds of thousands of separate communities, each with its own special character. It is difficult to eliminate a certain sex from a specific community when people have the power to disguise themselves. Communication in cyberspace lets people explore their personalities by creating new on-line personae. This seems to be th ...

Number of words: 1345 | Number of pages: 5

Legalization Of Marijuana

... that are used, happen to be ones that the masses that make this argument usually resort to-- the health and environment benefits. One argument that is hardly ever used, however, and the one that I wish to concentrate on, is the fact that the drug problems in this country, as well as the others that are listed above are included in the group of "SOICIAL PROBLEMS". Think about that for a minute. What entails? A social problem is a problem that faces a society. Now I want you to think about your society. Not society, but your specific and im ...

Number of words: 1315 | Number of pages: 5

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