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... density lipoprotein is the major carrier in the blood. When a person has too much LDL circulating in the blood, it can slowly build up within the walls of the arteries feeding the heart and brain. Together with other substances it can form plaque, a thick, hard deposit that can clog those arteries. This condition is known as atherosclerosis. The formation of a clot (or thrombus) in the region of this plaque can block the flow of blood to part of the heart muscle and cause a heart attack. If a clot blocks the flow of blood to part of the ...

Number of words: 548 | Number of pages: 2


... homosexuality myths and stereotypes. He rejects arguments that homosexuality is immoral or unnatural. Levin exemplifies the point that homosexuality is misuse of body parts with the case of Mr. Smith, who likes to play "Old MacDonald" on his teeth so devoted is he to this amusement, in fact, that he never uses his teeth for chewing but instead takes nourishment intravenously. This is a clear example where Mr. Smith is misusing his teeth. In addition to misuse, Levine states that this man will have a dim future on purely physiological gro ...

Number of words: 834 | Number of pages: 4

The Case For Euthanasia: Should Physician-Assisted Suicide Be Legalized?

... question, proponents of physician-assisted suicide, most notably, Dr. Jack Kevorkian, are of the opinion that not only should patients be able to abstain from treatment, but if they have a terminal and/or extremely painful condition, they should be able to seek out the assistance of a doctor in order to expedite their death with as little pain as possible. Contained herein are the arguments for and against the legalization of doctor-assisted suicide, as well as where the state courts stand in respect to this most delicate of issues. ...

Number of words: 1542 | Number of pages: 6

How Organism Learn: Classical And Operant Conditioning

... footsteps and at their appearance into the room (231). This led Pavlov to study the phenomenon further. The experiments that Pavlov was originally observing were based on the set of unconditioned stimulus and its unconditioned response. What is meant by conditioned is that the response is automatic and based on instinct. To compliment this name the stimulus is known as the unconditioned stimulus (Myers 260). With Pavlov's new observations a new set of stimulus and response was found. This new set is known as the conditioned stimulus an ...

Number of words: 861 | Number of pages: 4

Medicine: "Microsurgery: Sew Small"

... will spend the next few hours looking through the microscope at broken blood vessels and nerves and sewing them back together again. The needles are so thin that they have to be held with needlenosed jeweller's forceps and will sew together nerves that are as wide as the thickness of a penny. To make such a stitch, the surgeon's hands will move no more than the width of the folded side of a piece of paper seen end on! Imagine trying to sew two pieces of spaghetti together and you'll have some idea of what microsurgery involves. Twenty- ...

Number of words: 893 | Number of pages: 4

Abortion: What Do We Do?

... the fetus is capable of independent life. This practice has gotten to be extremely common all over the world. A woman who wishes to abort her pregnancy, can simply make an appointment at an abortion clinic, show up for the procedure on time, and go home the same day of the operation. Abortion clinics are located across the globe, and the abortion itself is fairly inexpensive. An abortion with no complications can cost as little as $500. On the flipside, if something goes wrong during or after the procedure, such as excessive bleeding by ...

Number of words: 1400 | Number of pages: 6

The Plague

... through fleas that have made a meal from an infected Rattus rattus. In the American and Canadian west, from Texas and Oklahoma in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, it is most often transmitted from species of squirrels. The last occurrence of transmissions from rats to people, or people to people in the United States occurred in 1924 in Los Angeles. In that epidemic there were 32 cases of pneumonic plague with 31 fatalities. Since then there have been around 16 cases a year in the United States, most connected with rock squirrels an ...

Number of words: 577 | Number of pages: 3

What Causes Infectious Diseases To Strike?

... evidence has been gathered as of yet to support one singular cause of infectious outbreaks. In 1976, in the African nations of Zaire and Sudan, the Ebola virus struck for the first time killing 600 people before returning ot the jungle. Some of the most basic questions about the disease remain unanswered today. This mysterious virus ha sdisturbing symptoms and almost no incubation period. Ebola liquefies every organ of the body and causes bleeding from every opening. The virus is twice as deadly as AIDS and works one-thousand ...

Number of words: 1411 | Number of pages: 6

Herpes-Simplex: Type 2

... the flu, and pneumonia). The blisters usually appear around the mouth and on the lips (herpes labialis), about the nose, face, and ears, and in the mouth and pharynx. The causative virus has been shown to be present in the cell bodies of the facial nerve in persons who do not have blisters. It is this reservoir of latent virus that is the source of repeated attacks. Except for lotions to relieve pain, itching, or inflammation, no established treatmemt has actually been developed. The second type of the herpes simplex virus, however, is the ...

Number of words: 483 | Number of pages: 2


... Lupus or Lupus related complications. Their are three different types of Lupus. They all are autoimmune disorders yet they affect humans in different ways. Discoid Lupus Erythematosus is a severe skin disorder. Discoid lupus is limited to only the skin. This type of is identified by a rash that appears on the face, neck and scalp. One of the most common rashes appear on the nose and cheeks, it's called a butterfly rash. Another type of Lupus is, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is usually more severe than D ...

Number of words: 1301 | Number of pages: 5

Euthanasia: The Right To Die

... condition gets worse, and then the vision in their head of the loved one who has finally died many months after they were diagnose as terminally ill, is a memory of a person lying there helpless, not able to feed themselves, get out of bed, or talk to you. One notable euthanasia case would be Sue Rodrigous. She had a disease known as Lou Gehrig's disease or ALS, which is a rare incurable disease of the nervous system. ALS gradually destroys the nerves that control the muscles. The results of which are weakness, paralysis, and eventually de ...

Number of words: 922 | Number of pages: 4

AIDS: Is It A Modern Plague?

... tyrants are microorganisms. Underdeveloped countries, technologically advanced countries, and those in between are at the mercy of these microorganisms, which come in many forms - viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. The most dangerous of these forms is the virus. Some viruses, such as the common flu, are considered to have a fairly detrimental capacity. The flu can incapacitate a human for several weeks with various symptoms such as bodily soreness, fever, bronchial complications, and even pneumonia. But while these conditions can ...

Number of words: 924 | Number of pages: 4

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