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Solidarity In Poland

... these promises of a better future for the polish people were being made, but no results were showing. To the government’s surprise, a movement began in the ship building industry. Even though the government wanted to increase industrial production, the ship building industry was not in the plans for expansion. As a matter of fact the state was planning on eliminating it totally. The workers realized that the government's way of improving Poland's status in the world market was to exploit the workers. On December 14, 1970 the workers finall ...

Number of words: 1311 | Number of pages: 5


... surrounding this launch; a certain question was on everyone's minds, could the Soviets send Nuclear weapons with ballistic missiles from Europe to the U.S.? Even before the U.S. could respond the Soviets launched Sputnik II carrying an increased payload and the first dog in space named Laika, it seemed the U.S. space program would never catch up. In order for the U.S. to win the Space Race they would have to succeed in putting a man in earth orbit, but it was on April 12, 1961 just four years after sputnik was launched, Soviet Cosmonaut Y ...

Number of words: 1883 | Number of pages: 7

Covenanted Governments

... ours. The thoughts of its origins are also very electric and diverse. Despite all of these idiosyncrasies, there runs a common thread through a compact form of government, and that is power is in the hand of a sovereign and all involved in the government are there by tactic consent. Around the time the pilgrims rebelled against King James in England, philosophy was abundant, especially that influenced by the belief in god. A majority of the governments around the world were monarchies. As far as our country is concerned, the pilgrims wer ...

Number of words: 1592 | Number of pages: 6

Civil War - The War Of Northern Aggression

... already been accounted for as false. The C.S.A. (Confederate States of America) President Jefferson Davis actually predicted this. He taught that if the South lost, then the North would write it’s history. Therefore, the generations to come wouldn’t understand the Confederate call for independence (Kennedy 17). The public school system was put into effect after the North won the war. It’s plan was to appeal with a free education, which it did. Then it used it’s captives in it’s scheme of confusing them about their parents cause. ...

Number of words: 2149 | Number of pages: 8

The Power Of The Situation

... property damage, nearly 2,000 arrests, and countless businesses in ashes. These two men, Damian Williams and Henry Watson undoubtedly committed a heinous crime, but thousands more looted, burned, and destroyed property with the same disregard for life and property. Were all these people criminals who used the verdicts as an excuse to commit crimes, or was the nature of the social situation the primarydeterminant of this nefarious behavior? In the course of this paper, I plan to explore this question from a psychological perspective with an ...

Number of words: 1562 | Number of pages: 6

Who Is The Hero

... to prove their heroism. When these tests are completed it seems to pull everything together in their films. Although the hero Shane in the movie Shane and the hero Ripley in the movie Aliens are from two separate generas and are also from separate time periods, the hero’s in each movie share characteristics and are put through similar tests that make them, in theory, one in the same. Heroic characteristics start to become evident right from the start of each of the movies. At the beginning of the movie Shane we see (the hero) Shane on his ...

Number of words: 1131 | Number of pages: 5

The American Civil War

... spread throughout the Confederacy and the Confederate Army had shrunk extremely in size. In the year before, the North had lost an enormous amount of lives, but had more than enough to lose in comparison to the South. General Grant became known as the "Butcher" (Grant, Ulysses S., Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant, New York: Charles L. Webster & Co.,1894) and many wanted to see him removed. But Lincoln stood firm with his General, and the war continued. This paper will follow the happenings and events between the winter of 1864-65 and the s ...

Number of words: 2418 | Number of pages: 9

Definition Of War: Sherman's Hell

... been infringed upon, war is always possibility. It is only logical that in a war there must be some form of a protagonist as well as an antagonist, but in many cases it is unclear who gets which label. The American Civil War is a perfect example. The South wanted the freedom to make decisions that benefited a largely agricultural society, and when that freedom was denied they withdrew from the Union. The Union, on the other hand, viewed the South as a group of radicals making an attempt to dissolve the unity of states that their ancestors ...

Number of words: 783 | Number of pages: 3

Evolution Of Society In The Mi

... thinking toward the church. During the Middle Ages, peoples’ ideas began changing, which prompted a whole new outlook on society. The role of women drastically changed in the Middle Ages. Women became more independent. Society became more focused on money. So women also became very focused on money, “…going to bed with a nice young man and earning your first mina? And I’m going to spend some of it right away to buy you a new necklace” (Turner, p. 39). Women became interested in jewelry and clothes, “…you’d soon be able ...

Number of words: 970 | Number of pages: 4

French Nuclear Testing

... to agree. New Zealand and Chile have recalled their ambassadors from France and the Japanese are presently protesting outside of their French embassy. 56% of the citizens in France polled oppose the tests and 60% want Chirac to reconsider his position. Stung by the criticism, France may cancel one out of the eight scheduled nuclear tests. Even the renowned Jacques Cousteau has publicly asked Chirac to rescind the tests. Cousteau has even resigned from the government agency Council for the Rights of Future Generations, in protest. France, ...

Number of words: 536 | Number of pages: 2

Authoritarian Government In Ge

... and means to make one person or group of persons more powerful than other will obviously turn up authoritarian regardless of other factors. This is the main factor in the resulting governing style in the new nation we all know as Germany. Bismark convinced Germans they were all united only after more land and resources were needed for Bismark's endeavors than Prussia could possibly supply. Therefore this shows how he sculpted his way into making the people believe they had say and actually covered all the necessary clauses in an ...

Number of words: 334 | Number of pages: 2

Origin Of The English Laguage

... Romans reigned England a more civilized culture and brought the cathoolic religion, meaning "universal religion." The Romans also brought roads, public buildings , and forms of law. In 449 A.D, England was being invaded by the Anglo-Saxons. With the arrival of then while the Roman Empire was dying out, the Anglo-saxons brought the start of the English language. At this time England was not known as England until this time also. Even then it was known as "Angels Land" and then was eventually known as England. The Anglo-Saxons had many religi ...

Number of words: 497 | Number of pages: 2

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