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Crime And The Death Penalty

... increase in the number of death sentences handed down by the courts. The death penalty has been a controversial issue through many decades. Some people believe that justice can not be served until the issue is resolved and all peoples agree that it is the best way to end crime completely. Others believe that it is totally barbaric and morally wrong. Many people who are against capital punishment are only thinking of the criminal and how cruel it is for them. But, shouldn’t we think of the families that are broken apart now because of t ...

Number of words: 534 | Number of pages: 2

White Collar Crime Vs. Street Crime

... Both street and white collar crime have severe consequences. In most instances, white collar crime is, financially, more costly. This does not mean that white-collar crime does not inflict bodily harm upon people. Multi- million dollar corporations can be twice as deadly as a gang member. When a woman dies of lead exposure from her job, it is murder. Whether a man is murdered by a gun or by an unsafe gas tank in his car, it is still called murder. In both scenarios, there is a defined victim. The one answer that our po ...

Number of words: 655 | Number of pages: 3

Young Offenders

... person who comities a crime and is given special rights. These right are less server then adults would get if they committee this same offenses.” There are many cases where a young offender has got off much easier then a adult and no punishment at all. In one case in particular “A boy who was 11 years old who has been in trouble with the law before took a girl with him to his apartment with his gang and then raped her. Then when the police arrived he said you can not touch me” . This to me is very sad first off because he is only 11 ...

Number of words: 659 | Number of pages: 3

Legalization Of Marijuana

... for the American government to pull its ugly head out of the sand and listen to many doctors and scientists who have proof that marijuana is much safer than reported in the past. It’s time for the American government to realize that there are millions and millions of marijuana growers and consumers nationwide. There are so many reasons for legalization other than just the medical capabilities, which have not yet been fully explored because of bans. The illegal running of marijuana would be halted instantly. All of the dealers would be put ...

Number of words: 956 | Number of pages: 4

Setting Up A Dummy Corporation...

... do they do? They renegotiate. Yep, that's right. They tell the bank "I can't pay" but I'm such a fabulous person you should renegotiate my loan. Bullshit! How fast do you think the bank would have you or me out on our ass? In record time, right? Money is power and unless you have money you're powerless right? Not... Money is an illusion. Power is an illusion. Both are projected by cunning and affluent people and organizations to get what they want. And, if they can't pay for it, they go bankrupt or renegotiate. Why should they have all t ...

Number of words: 3225 | Number of pages: 12

Drug Abuse: People Abused Vs. Drugs Abused

... abuse with what the law principles are, and what potential punishment will be applied for not complying with principles of such law those individuals should be able to recognize differences in the meaning of a common term. In order to ease such recognition let's make a shift in terms and distinguish between them. A person voluntarily commits to use any prohibited by law drug. Despite the consequences of such action, the person continues using it. Eventually, some type of physical or mental harm occurs within that person's body, thus, the occ ...

Number of words: 721 | Number of pages: 3

The Push For Legalizing Marijuana

... pressure, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed into law the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. This law made the use of marijuana federal offenses. Marijuana reappeared in the mid 1960’s with the emergence of the “Hippie.” Widespread objection to the use of marijuana remained because of the set of valued and lifestyles associated with it, but use appeared in colleges and among middle-class youths in the suburbs (Himmelstein 103). Marijuana became a so-called culture, and rebellion towards the government. However, President Richard Ni ...

Number of words: 1652 | Number of pages: 7

A Civil Action Position Paper

... were breaking out into rashes, enduring stomach disorders, falling seriously ill, and the children of Woburn were dying of leukemia in statistically unusual numbers that resulted in a leukemia cluster. Anne Anderson, a Woburn mother whose son Jimmy died of leukemia, drove authorities into investigating the water, which started the case against carelessness by big business companies. Finally, in 1979, two wells supplying drinking water to Woburn were shut down because health officials from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) th ...

Number of words: 1322 | Number of pages: 5

Marijuana: Controversial Smoke

... the history of alcohol. During Prohibition alcohol was still sold and used, but people were doing it illegally. The 21st amendment repealed prohibition and alcohol taxes were increased. The same thing should happen with marijuana. I think it should be taxed heavily to increase the revenue of the states. That extra money could be used for further research. First it need to be legalized for this to happen. Not like its counterparts, marijuana has medical benefits. It is morphine for glaucoma, and cancer patients. If they are alle ...

Number of words: 324 | Number of pages: 2

Capital Punishment

... the Middle Ages,and then to the American colonies where it exists still today. In the colonies, death was a prescribed punishment for crimes such as: murder, rape, arson, and perjury. In America today, the main crime deserving death is obviously murder. ( p.11-15). Does the death penalty truly deter crimes and murder? This question is at the heart of a heated political controversy over the punishment. Opposers to the death penalty say no because of the large amount of people on death row today. They also say that states that have the deat ...

Number of words: 1009 | Number of pages: 4

The Death Penalty: A Necessary Evil

... He does not deserve the same punishment as someone who is convicted of assault and battery. Most people would have no problem agreeing with this. Yet many of these same people believe that a cold blooded killer deserves the same life sentence as a convicted kidnapper who did not kill his prisoner. Granted these are both serious offenses, but our system of law works be degrees of seriousness. The mental damage done to that prisoner can be turned around, but the life taken away by the murderer can never be given back. They should ther ...

Number of words: 906 | Number of pages: 4

The Need For Extreme Criminal Justice Reform In California

... "Three Strikes" law two years ago, 192 have "struck out" for marijuana possession, compared to 40 for murder, 25 for rape, and 24 for kidnapping. A. I have a strong proposition for the California Legislature...and that is a strict and logical reform to the present Criminal Justice System in California. B. "The California Legislature is to be commended for its stance on crime. Not for their "get tough" policies such as the "Three Strikes" law but for their enactment of a little known section of the Penal Code entitled the "Community Based ...

Number of words: 2736 | Number of pages: 10

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