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Gambling 2

... instead it improves the U.S. economy, because legalized gambling gives entertainment to citizens, brings new job oppurtunities, and lowers taxes; that is why the U.S. should legalize all gambling in all states. Gambling has been practiced by people throughout history. Anthropologists, who have found evidence of games of chance among early peoples, contend that the attitude of early humankind toward gambling derived from their general attitude toward the environment. To these people the world was a mysterious place controlled by super ...

Number of words: 660 | Number of pages: 3

Bitter Sweet Aspartame A Diet Delusion

... of “Nutra Sweet poisoning” I laid down my diet Pepsi for tea and water, and the problematic symptoms disappeared almost overnight. I also began loosing extra pounds without changing my quantity of food consumption immediately. Bittersweet aspartame is a diet delusion. Controversy has surrounded aspartame since it’s creation in 1879. On a large scale, the public remains uninformed of the hazards of this popular chemical. Why aren’t people asking “What is this stuff made of, and why is the FDA forced to ...

Number of words: 1502 | Number of pages: 6

Basketball And Its History

... The basketball court is a rectangular area ranging in size from about 29 m by 15 m (about 94 ft by 50 ft) to about 22 m by 13 m (about 74 ft by 42 ft). At each end of the court is a vertical backboard, measuring usually about 2 m by 1 m (about 6 ft by 4 ft). Each backboard is anchored to a wall, suspended from the ceiling, or otherwise mounted so that its lower edge is about 2.7 m (about 9 ft) above the court. (Backboards originated to keep spectators from interfering with the game.) The baskets are attached firmly to the backboards about ...

Number of words: 2508 | Number of pages: 10

Why We Dream

... childhood to fulfill something in our past. One idea I found to be very interesting was that while we dream nothing is being made up, it all comes from instincts and personal experiences which have all been biologically determined. Another interesting idea was Freud's theory of dream occurence. This theory states that dreams occur in "ego collapse", which is when the Id and the Superego close in upon the Ego. Most of Freud's theories are still supported today by well renowned psychologists, especially those dealing with the defense mec ...

Number of words: 330 | Number of pages: 2

Missouri Fox Trotter

... The withers are pronounced; the back is short and straight; the croup muscular and rounded; the tail set rather high; the chest broad and deep; the shoulders sloped and muscular. The legs are sturdy and well muscled. (Hendricks, 286) Its uniqueness lies in its ability to execute the strange gait known as the Fox-trot. The Fox-trot is when the horse walks with the front legs and trots with the hind legs. A more technical description is: the horse hits with its hind foot shortly before the diagonal forefoot lands.(Brady, p 50-53) This gait ...

Number of words: 621 | Number of pages: 3


... what is right from wrong, good from bad, etc. Since people come from different backgrounds, they have a different code of ethics, therefore answering the question of right and wrong can not be easily answered, and who knows if it can ever be answered? There is no correct ethical or moral code for one specific time period, or group of people, so one must decide what they believe on the issue of abortion, by examining there own code of ethics. I attended Catholic Schools for most of my life, and had Catholic beliefs and ideas ramme ...

Number of words: 760 | Number of pages: 3

Aristotles The Poetics

... and protect his people. He puts the state above his personal interests and makes the sacrifice and the reader (audience) immediately feels pity for Iphigeneia and Agamemnon. Iphigeneia was a young innocent child that did nothing to deserve death. Aeschylus makes the audience feel pity for Agamemnon who lost his daughter (although he was the person that made the choice to sacrifice her) by making it know that he was thinking of his people's welfare. By making that choice, Agamemnon becomes a tragic hero. Aeschylus makes the audience feel for ...

Number of words: 1129 | Number of pages: 5

Pfizer In The Animal Health In

... in its research pipeline today than at any other time in its history. Their products include anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, and anti-parasitic pharmaceutical medicines, vaccines and feed additives. These products are used by cattle, swine, and poultry industries, as well as, veterinarians serving both the livestock and pet markets. The animal health segment of Pfizer accounts for approximately 10% of their total revenues. (Note Appendix: ) Pfizer Animal Health revenues were $1,314 million in 1998. Some of Pfizer’s top sel ...

Number of words: 1341 | Number of pages: 5

African American Bell Curve

... and social events that directly affected the lives of African Americans. The Compromise of 1850 marked the initial rise of Black loss of rights in this period. Previously, it was possible for Northerners to ferry slaves to their freedom. However, “Included in the compromise were funds budgeted specifically for catching fugitive slaves and prosecuting anyone lending assistance in the effort” (Kevin Holloway, The Fugitive Slave Act and the Compromise of 1850). With specific funds that were directed in catching fugitive slaves, whi ...

Number of words: 1210 | Number of pages: 5

The Production Histry And Cons

... room, or some other container. These grains are kept at a temperature of about 60° F. The germination is complete when the sprout has grown to about 3/4 the length of the grain and the hard part of the grain, or the shell, has turned soft. The goal for germination is for the starches within the grain to break down into shorter lengths. At this shorter length stage, the grain is called green malt. Kilning is the next stage after the grains have sprouted. Kilning is the process of drying the grain in the kiln where the temperature is slowly r ...

Number of words: 4464 | Number of pages: 17

Modern Philosophy

... “All mammals are four-footed animals; all people are mammals; therefore, all people are four-footed animals” is a valid argument with a false conclusion. On the other hand, an invalid argument may by chance have a true conclusion. “Some animals are two-footed; all people are animals; therefore, all people are two-footed” happens to have a true conclusion, but the argument is not valid. Logical validity depends on the form of the argument, not on its content. If the argument were valid, some other term could be substituted for all o ...

Number of words: 2318 | Number of pages: 9

October Sky

... the name of the movie . In the Soviet Union's announcement about the launch of the satellite, they said "the world could now see how the new socialist society turns even the most daring of man's dreams into a reality." After the launch of Sputnik, everything changed in Homer Hickam's life: his social life, intelligence, leadership, and his future. The launch of Sputnik captured the public's imagination and influenced many people as well as Homer to learn more about the satellite and space. It was in the that people around the world finall ...

Number of words: 1099 | Number of pages: 4

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