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Benjamin Harrison

... window and began recruiting. When the regiment was complete, the governor commissioned him a colonel, and Harrison set off with his troops. By day he drilled his men; at night he studied tactics. Always he looked after his soldiers' needs. They called him Little Ben. General Harrison went back to his work at the Supreme Court and his law practice. He also took over again his large Bible class in the Presbyterian church, where his wife taught Sunday school. In 1876 Harrison ran for governor of Indiana. The Democrats called him ...

Number of words: 451 | Number of pages: 2

Mark Twain, Samuel Clemens, Or None Of The Above

... Hannibal, Missouri, a port on the Mississippi River (Mark Twain 1). His father, who had studied law in Kentucky, was a local magistrate and small merchant (Unger 193). When Samuel was twelve, his father died. He was then apprenticed to two local printers (Unger 193). When he was sixteen, Clemens began setting type for the local newspaper Hannibal Journal, which his older brother Orion managed (Mark Twain 1). In 1853, when Samuel was eighteen, he left Hannibal for St. Louis (Unger 194). There he became a steam boat pilot on the Mississip ...

Number of words: 939 | Number of pages: 4

Billy The Kid: The True Story

... the many aliases of William H. Bonney, whose short bloody career became a legend. He was born in the city of New York, on November 23, 1859. His parents were William H. and Catherine Bonney, who came from New Orleans to New York about six months before the birth of Billy. Sometime between 1862 & 1864, Billy’s father, William H. McCarty died. No one seems to be sure of the exact date since no death certificate or obituary has been located yet. Soon after the death, his mother married a man named William Antrim in 1873. Up until the age o ...

Number of words: 642 | Number of pages: 3

Rene Descartes

... of Nassau as a volunteer. In his early life he wanted to accomplish something in life, something like a new and stable basis for all knowledge.. In 1637 he published Discourse on the Method for Conducting One’s Reason Rightly and for Searching for Truth in the Sciences which he wrote in France. This book introduced three ideas, one on optics, one on geometry, and one on meteorology. Four yeas later he wrote Meditations on First Philosophy which is his version of a unified and certain body of the human knowledge. The Catholic and Protes ...

Number of words: 853 | Number of pages: 4

Martin Luther King Jr. 5

... from the Crozer Theological Seminary, when he began postgraduate work at Boston University, he studied the works of Indian nationalist Mohandas Gandhi, from whom he derived his own philosophy of nonviolent protest. He moved to Alabama to become pastor for a Baptist church. Just after he received his Ph.D. in 1955, King was asked to lead a bus boycott in Montgomery. It had been formed after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give her seat to a white passenger. Throughout the 381 days which the boycott lasted, he was arrested and jai ...

Number of words: 649 | Number of pages: 3

John F Kennedy

... After the war he became a Democratic Congression from the Boston area, moving on to a senator in 1953. He married Jacqueline Bouvier on September, 1953. In 1955 he wrote a book called "Profiles of Courage" which won the Pulitzer prize in history. In 1956 he almost gained the democratic Vice President, and four years later he was the first-ballot nominee for president. Kennedy became the first Roman Catholic President. His Inaugural Address offered the memorable line: "Ask not what your country can you--ask what you can do for your ...

Number of words: 301 | Number of pages: 2

Nicola Sacco And Bartolomeo Vanzetti

... doubt of their guilt reached worldwide proportions resulting in protest. Many books and articles, written by those in and out of the legal profession, have left detailed accounts of one of the most controversial and best known cases in United States history. Bartolomeo Vanzetti was arrested with Nicola Sacco on charges of murdering a shoe factory paymaster and guard in South Braintree, Massachusetts, and convicted on July 14, 1921, Vanzetti left a most moving articulate statement of the vindication of Sacco and himself in an atmosphere of ...

Number of words: 497 | Number of pages: 2

Is The History Nonsense?

... Ford's statement; but by examining both quotes closely, we may ask :"Does the author diagree with Ford's statement at all?"; in other words, the author may consider there is a valid aspect in Ford's statement. Let us take a look what and why the author may disagree with Ford. Ford states that:" ...History is more or less bunk. It is tradition. We want to live in the present..." From his statement, we can see that Ford despises the effect of history in our human development; and doesn't acknowledge how the history in past influenced our soci ...

Number of words: 643 | Number of pages: 3

Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov

... test the cores of bullets. In 1945 he was invited to Moscow to conduct studies at the P.N. Lebedev Physicial Institute. At the institute, he came up with a theory that is the basis for detecting submarines through sonar. In 1948, after the United States had dropped an atomic bomb, he was assigned to work on a team to develop the hydrogen bomb. It was with this group that he devised a design called “sakharization” whereby fusion released neutrons that enabled the fission of uranium. In 1950, Sakharov was assigned to work in a secret city w ...

Number of words: 725 | Number of pages: 3

Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879-April 18, 1955)

... violin lessons, which he had from age six to age thirteen, he also had religious education at home where he was taught Judaism. Two years later he entered the Luitpold Gymnasium and after this his religious education was given at school. He studied mathematics, calculus in particular, beginning around 1891. Many people did not know that Einstein would be as successful as he came out to be. In 1895 Einstein failed an exam that would have allowed him to study for a diploma as an electrical engineer at ETH. After failing the exam, he got ex ...

Number of words: 231 | Number of pages: 1

Theodore Roosevelt

... and the death of his wife and his mother, Roosevelt abandoned his political work for some time. He invested part of the fortune he had inherited from his father in a cattle ranch in Wyoming, expecting to remain in the West for many years. He became a passionate hunter, especially of big game, and an ardent believer in the wild outdoor life, which brought him health and strength. In 1886 Roosevelt returned to New York, married his childhood sweetheart Edith Carow in London, and once more plunged into politics. President Harrison, after his e ...

Number of words: 795 | Number of pages: 3

Ben Franklin

... to read when he was only five years old. His parents wished that they could send Ben to school, but they were very poor. Once three very important men visited Josiah and told him of a new law which said that children must attend school. Josiah sent Ben to the Boston Latin School because the only expenses were books and fire wood. At the Latin School all the children were expected to learn fables by heart. The fables had lessons which the school master thought was an important part of learning. Ben's best friend's name was Nathan. Ben helped ...

Number of words: 2243 | Number of pages: 9

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