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Violence In Media: You Are What You Watch

... bombards us constantly. Networks shoot in sequence one violent scene after another, delivering untold numbing horror into Canada's living rooms, bedrooms, and nurseries. Taped TV violence, unlike real violence, repeats over and over in an accelerating pattern. The sounds and scenes of violence echo, firing in every direction without concern for targets or casualties. Canadians are developing a vision of themselves as hopeless victims of criminal forces they cannot control and cannot understand. While TV grows rich on violence, the n ...

Number of words: 418 | Number of pages: 2

Flappers Such As Clara Bow And Zelda Sayre Represented The Popular And Devilish Women Of The 1920's

... like young women, and are given speeches of how in the old days, everyone was on their best behavior. Actually, this generations youth is being mislead to how the past really was. In the mid 1920's the so-called broads weren't all they seem to be. Even though it may be hard to believe, the obedience and politeness wasn't too common. Their behavior and actions definitely do not portray the typical image of a young lady. In the early 1920's, the women, dressing respectively did not show skin. The most common clothes were once stated as ...

Number of words: 1240 | Number of pages: 5

Gender Socialization

... to grow, he is given a miniature basketball and a hoop to play with. The girl is given dolls and doll clothes to dress them up in. Sounds pretty normal right? Why? As illustrated in the scenario above, gender socialization begins very early in life. Society has accepted such stereotype. We seem to accept that blue is for boys and pink is for girls. Boys generally play with balls, toy trucks and building blocks whereas girls spend their time with dolls, tea sets and stuffed animals. But these are the stereotypes that are influenc ...

Number of words: 795 | Number of pages: 3

Roles Of Individuals And Societies

... to manipulate; that if in fact it was society that had mastered the man. Although both thinkers provide radically different views of culture and society they are both essentially trying to answer the same question: does the individual control society or does society control the individual? The relevance of such an argument might first be debated, for one might first respond to this question with some doubt; surely we have control of ourselves, do we all not have control of our own faculties at this very moment? At this moment you are read ...

Number of words: 1236 | Number of pages: 5

Female Dominance Or Male Failure?

... Thurber's frustration with the female species is obvious and is reflected throughout his essay. The extremities males endure to obtain female attention become overwhelming and incomprehensible to Thurber, consequently conflicting with the myth and construction of the ideal of masculinity. Thurber's frustrations with women are evident right from the start. He displaces male insubordination to the blueprint of nature and it's “complicated musical comedy.” (Rosengarten and Flick, 340) It's interesting that he attributes nature a ...

Number of words: 1195 | Number of pages: 5

Pharmaceutical Companies And Advertising

... advertising from pharmaceutical companies, which means they get more revenue. According to Competitive Media Reporting, “Network TV earned $393.3 million through November 1998 compared with $156.2 million through November 1997. On the other hand, through November 1998, magazines took in $458.5 million in pharmaceutical advertising compared with $521.7 million during the same time period in 1997.” Gradually, TV had taken over magazines and newspapers through November of last year. As the result, magazines' numbers were declining, such as ...

Number of words: 435 | Number of pages: 2

Female Discrimination In The Labor Force

... have to go before equal treatment becomes standard. The increase in female participation started occurring during the 1970's. The number of women in the civilian labor force jumped from 23 million in the 1960's to 31 million in the 1970's. This leap would continue and increase in the 1980's and on into the 1990's. The result, in 1995, is a female labor force that numbers over 60 million. This comprised 46 percent of the civilian work force (10). A reason for the rise in participation by women may be in the way women saw marriage and c ...

Number of words: 1223 | Number of pages: 5

Television Violence And Its Effects On Children

... on other studies which pertain to the idea of television violence leading to aggressiveness in children's behavior. She acknowledges that, in fact, there are still differing views over whether or not behavior is affected by the violence. However, Josephson tends to rely more on the idea that it is affected and feels that more research should be directed to this area. Mostly, attention is focused on factors such as the disinhibition effect and cue-triggered aggression. Josephson aims to differentiate these two areas and how they ar ...

Number of words: 1097 | Number of pages: 4

Family Values

... and make our bond stronger. Family unity is my family watching me grow from infancy to adulthood, guiding me with good values. Family unity is communicating with each other. Unfortunately, my parents were seldom around during my childhood stages. Therefore they were rarely home to guide me through good family values. Now that I am an adult my parents are persistent to spend time with me and teach me values not taught to me when I was a child. I believe it's like teaching an old dog new tricks. A child needs direction from the childhood ...

Number of words: 887 | Number of pages: 4

Male/Female Differences In Perceptions Of Sexual Harassment

... sexual harassment. It may be a simple look, slight touch, or a verbal comment. Whatever the situation, there will be a variance in the degrees, as to what men and women constitute as being sexual harassment. "Psychological texts on sexual harassment outline various forms of behavior ranging from quid pro quo demands for sexual services to hostile jokes and sexual innuendo" (American Psychological Association, 1981, 1991). "Sexual joking, touching, and patting may be considered unwelcome sexual attention to some, but not others" ( ...

Number of words: 566 | Number of pages: 3

A Time Of Prosperous Change

... of Long Fiction and in Love and Marriage in the Novels of Anita Brookner and Fay Weldon Weldon is mentioned with great honor and respect. Anna Ericson uses more past situations in Fay Weldon's own life while contrasting her to Anita Brookner while in contrast the Critical Survey of Long Fiction criticizes the works without much comparison to others. Both the Magill and Anna Ericson have strong points on a women's individualism but Anna Ericson proves Weldon's choice of personality for the main character was one reflecting Weldon's own t ...

Number of words: 1106 | Number of pages: 5

Teenagers Of The Sixties And Today

... changed in the last thirty years? There are no more campus protests. Tie-dyed shirts seem to be a thing of the past. Between the sixties and today, times, events and circumstances have changed but teenagers' core beliefs and values have remained the same. First of all, the college students of today seem to be less rebellious than they were in the sixties. Their dress and their attitudes seem to be more in line with the norm. Most teenagers seem to be more concerned with where the next party will be than with what social issue ...

Number of words: 687 | Number of pages: 3

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