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The Computer Revolution

Part one of term paper
If I were to make a history book of the years from 1981 to 1996, I would put computers on the cover. Computers, you may ask?, Yes computers, because if there were suddenly no computers on the world, there would be total chaos. People could not; communicate, commute, make business transactions, purchase things, or do most things in their da ...

Part two of term paper
... codes that took a great deal of training to learn. Then the Apple computer company took this complex computer language and evolved it to a simpler system of computer language using words that made sense in their context. This system was called BASIC. BASIC was a major development in the computer industry, because it made computers accessible to the average American. This helped greatly in proving that computers were no longer just toys and they had a very useful purpose. Most people still felt ...

Word count: 588 | Approximate pages: 3

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