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"My Papa's Waltz" By Theodor Roethke

Part one of term paper
In Theodor Roethke's "My Papa's waltz" the reader finds a horrid experiance, the beating of a child by his father, which is told in a way of a romantic and beutifull dance - the waltz. The feeling one get from reading this poem is that the narrator, at least at the time in which the poem is written, does not look at this experience as someth ...

Part two of term paper
... looked upon as the Petty Herst syndrom - meaning having a 'reality' so intense and strong that one feels incapable of any other 'reality', fearing it can and will be worse. The poem is built of four stanzas( quatrain ), each consisting of four lines. The rhyme scheme is, in the first stanza - abab, in the second - cdcd, in the third - efef, and in the fourth - ghgh. The meter is trecet iamb ( stressed unstressed - three times per line ). The central image in the poem is the metaphor in ...

Word count: 1036 | Approximate pages: 4

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