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Preserve The Forests

Part one of term paper
In agreement with Kim Stafford, who opposes the clear-cutting of old growth forests, I feel that it is necessary to preserve the profitable lumber in its natural state for future generations. Currently, the tons of lumber produced from the Pacific Northwest region of the United States are taken for granted, and most people do not realize th ...

Part two of term paper
... order to preserve the beauty of this planet, we must cease the clear- cutting of forests. All old growth forests have been around for multiple centuries and are cut down daily in a matter of hours in order to produce more buildings and houses in this already over-crowded world. If the rate at which we cut down trees is continued without any regulation, the forests will all be gone in ten years, so we should do mankind a favor and try to preserve what is left. If the old growth forests ...

Word count: 529 | Approximate pages: 2

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