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Ethan Frome 4

Part one of term paper
In Edith Wharton's book, Ethan Frome, the author descriptively portrayed the inner conflict between the pursuit of pleasure and the burden of obligation as Ethan's life unfolded to the reader. As a creative device, she used the bleak, and barren New England countryside to reflect Ethan's frame of mind. The burden of obligation shrouded Ethan ...

Part two of term paper
... of life's daily responsibilities held Ethan captive to his farm, and unproductive sawmill. Abandoned by the death of both of his parents, he found comfort in the presence of his cousin Zenobia Pierce. Earlier that year she had come to help him by taking care of his dying mother. Feeling a sense of obligation to Zeena, he married her, even though he did not truly love her. Driven by a perverted need for attention, Zeena became an "invalid," confined to her bed and no longer capable of managing th ...

Word count: 517 | Approximate pages: 2

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