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Italy 2

Part one of term paper
Italy is most likely known for its rich cultural heritage and its unique natural beauty. Its cities have spectacular churches and beautiful central plazas. Their museums contain some of the world's best-known art. Italy got its name from the ancient Romans. Romans called the southernmost part of the peninsula Italia, which means land of oxen ...

Part two of term paper
... hills covered with green fields and vineyards. Italy occupies a boot-shaped peninsula that extends into the Mediterranean Sea from southern Europe. This country also includes two large islands, Sicily and Sardinia. Two independent countries lie within Italy's borders: the tiny Republic of San Marino, in north-central Italy, and Vatican City, which is located completely within the city of Rome. Italy boasts several world-famous cities. Rome, the capital and largest city in Italy, was the cente ...

Word count: 629 | Approximate pages: 3

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