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Noise Reduction In Hearing Aids

Part one of term paper
Recently in a local hearing clinic, a client’s concerns were discussed. “I’m afraid I won’t like them. My brother in law bought two hearing aids, and he keeps them in a drawer in the kitchen.” While the number of people dissatisfied with their hearing aids hovers around 50%, the hearing aid industry is hard pressed to decrease th ...

Part two of term paper
... While a person with normal hearing sits in a restaurant, he can distinguish a conversational speech signal that is as little as three decibels greater than the ambient noise. On the other hand, a person with a 30-decibel sensorineural loss might need the speech signal to be 15 or more decibels greater than the ambient noise. The hearing aid’s task is to acoustically or electronically compensate for both the neurological shortcomings of the hearing impaired person and the wide band increase ...

Word count: 2400 | Approximate pages: 9

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