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Dickens And His Stucture Of Ha

... them through literary methods. A befitting display of structure is evident through his giving name to the three books contained in Hard Times. The titles of the three appropriately named books are an allusion to the Bible, and are also “given a further twist in Gradgrind’s recommendation to ‘Plant nothing else and root out everything else’ (except facts)” (Lodge 91). In the first book, titled “Sowing, ” we are introduced to those that Dickens creates a firm character basis with. The opening chapter emphasizes on Thomas Grad ...

Number of words: 894 | Number of pages: 4


... deserves to grow up with two living parents, however Plath was not given this opportunity as her father died when she was only eight. In the poem , Plath, as the speaker, is having a one-way conversation with her father expressing all her feelings, anguish and how she tried to compensate for his death. The poem itself bares no metaphorical reading, only a literal reading which is broken up into three parts. A common technique that Plath uses in her poetry is the metaphor. An example of one lies within the first stanza of . Any more, bl ...

Number of words: 1203 | Number of pages: 5

Blakes London

... emphasizes the social and economic differences that separate the citizens of London. By repeating the word "charter'd", he reminds the reader of the commercial nature of the city, the fact that portions of it are owned, and that not everyone has equal access to goods or property. In the first line of his poem as Blake speaks of how he is wandering through the "charter'd" streets, he is commenting on this commercial aspect of London. As he moves on in his poem he also refers to the "charter'd" Thames, he is telling us in this second line ...

Number of words: 989 | Number of pages: 4

Clockwork Orange

... The book deals upon reforming a criminal with only good morals and conditioning an automated response to "evil." Burgess enforces the idea of the medical model of corrections, in terms of rehabilitating an offender, which is up to the individual. That one should determine the cause and then find an exclusive treatment to resolve that individual's case, then apply it. This is the case with the character Alex, a juvenile delinquent introduced into prisonization then conditioned by governmental moral standards. This lack of personal mora ...

Number of words: 1720 | Number of pages: 7

Julius Caesae

... Caesar will be killed of the Ides of March. Caesar, who studies the man and his words, exercises poor judgement in dismissing both. In Act I, Scene 2 of Julius Caesar, a Soothsayer calls out from the crowd to Julius Caesar, warning him to “Beware of the Ides of March!” (Line 21). Caesar asks the Soothsayer to come forward and repeat the warning again and decides, “He is a dreamer, let us leave him” (Line 29). Caesar’s extreme vanity leads him to believe that he is absolutely secure from attack by mere humans. Brutus repeats the for ...

Number of words: 292 | Number of pages: 2

Homer Vs. 20th Century

... movie that are an important aspect of the book. After raiding the land of the Cicones and suffering defeat, Odysseus and his ship stumble into the land of the Lotus-Eaters. Seamen who ate of the lotus (a local plant) instantly lost any memory of their home and duty. The movie begins book IX with the ship sailing directly to the island of the Cyclops. The video creates the scene of the island in merely one day, while there are hints in the book that it occurred for more than a day, possibly even two. Odysseus’ blinding of Polyphemus, a w ...

Number of words: 1088 | Number of pages: 4

Nine Guardians

... revolt. In The when the Indians revolt it causes death, degradation of a family, mental strain to the point of insanity and property damage, just as revolts before it. Death is caused by a revolting Indian, attempting to stop a “help letter” from arriving at it’s destination. Ernesto was the messenger and the indian killed him thinking it would send a strong message to Cesar that the Indians meant business and wanted their share of Chactajal. This show of lack of authority expresses their disrespect for Cesar and his family thus put ...

Number of words: 299 | Number of pages: 2

The Contempary Enlightend One

... the mysterious Salinger. Buddhism is one apparent aspect in this book and it is also apparent in Salinger’s life. Does Salinger exhibit Buddhism on different levels in Catcher in the Rye? The main character in the book is Holden Caulfield. He attends a rich prep school called Prency prep. It is a school that typifies the idealistic American school, where the dirt and grind does not have a space, at least not on the surface. Holden is then expelled from the school, and starts to venture out the world on his own. He goes back down to New ...

Number of words: 502 | Number of pages: 2

A Tale Of Two Cities

... In doing this Lucie and Mr. Lorry, in a way, gave Dr. Manette's life back to him or "recalled him to life." Another instance in which someone is "recalled to life" involves Charles Darnay. Charles Darnay is on trial for treason in England. C.J Stryver and Sydney Carton are representing Darnay in this trial. Sydney Carton saves Darnay from death in this trial with his miraculous wits. Through this Darnay is given another chance at life ,and therefore was "recalled to life." The last and most significant instance of someone being "recalled to l ...

Number of words: 457 | Number of pages: 2

Heart Of Darkness

... by Europeans led to the cry of Kurtz's last words, "The horror! The horror!" The horror in has been critiqued to represent different aspects of situations in the book. However, Kurtz's last words "The horror! The horror!" refer, to me, to magnify only three major aspects. The horror magnifies Kurtz not being able to restrain himself, the colonizers' greed, and Europe's darkness. Kurtz comes to the Congo with noble intentions. He thought that each ivory station should stand like a beacon light, offering a better way of life to the natives. ...

Number of words: 1272 | Number of pages: 5

Crime And Punishment 8

... to do. Driven by his poverty and the shame of his mother's and sister's sacrifices for him, he plans a bold act: to kill a repulsive old pawnbroker. Her murder will accomplish two things: it will give him the money he needs, and it will prove he's a superman. However, the plan backfires. He kills not only his intended victim, but also her mild, gentle sister, who returns home too early and surprises the murderer. Made physically ill by the trauma of his deed, Raskolnikov is cared for by his old friend Razumikhin. However, his behavior be ...

Number of words: 593 | Number of pages: 3

The Importance Of An Education

... away for possible later use in the future. I also try to link each piece of new information either to my intended field of study or to personal enlightenment. Striving to excel in every class I take, I regard education in all areas as relevant to my life. All knowledge that I might want to subsidiary to the main piece of knowledge I seek in college. I like options, I like security, and I like power. A college education will allow me to focus on my interest as well as provide me with many career possibilities. Lately with the popularity of co ...

Number of words: 491 | Number of pages: 2

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