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The Byzantine Chant

... and Epheus. Byzantine chants have distinguishable characteristics. It is always chanted a capella, and because of it's Middle East origins, often sounds very strange to those who have been raised on western music. The chants were originally monophonic, or non-harmonized. Within the last several centuries a drone note was added underneath the melody to bring out the basic tone. In modern practice the drone note may change to harmonize with its melody note. Recently, various efforts have been made to create a fully harmonized Byzantine ...

Number of words: 368 | Number of pages: 2

Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Roman Catholic Religion In Modern Society

... large as the Christian. The Christian religion is one of few religions where punishments for sins are not severe. In the Christian religion, even if you have lived a life of sin, so long as you repent in the end, you will be saved and given eternal life. This is not so in other religions. Such religions as Hinduism for instance do not believe this. For everything you do wrong you will be punished. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, if not in this life, then the next. Hindu's also believe that punishing the body is ...

Number of words: 830 | Number of pages: 4

Christianity And Change

... take this time to find themselves through God. They hope that Christians will reflect on their lives and realize that they should turn back towards God. There is hope that this holy time will have a positive influence on the Christian churches but there is the chance of it having a negative influence. The negative influence would come from the fact that people might come back to the church only because they fear that the year 2000 will bring about the ending of the world. There was a time when Christians naturally turned to God when they ...

Number of words: 1189 | Number of pages: 5

Nichiren Shoshu And Buddhism

... on belief in the scriptures rather than understanding of it. In 1274 Nichiren retired to Mt. Minobu, then died in Ikegami in 1282. Nichiren identified with Buddhist saints (Bodhisattvas) who upheld and proclaimed the truths of the Lotus. He endured many hardships because he felt that he had a responsibility to save both Buddhism and Japan, where the doctrine was supposed to be revived spread abroad. Thus he sounded a nationalistic note that was new to Buddhism. More recently in 1930 Tsunesaburo Makiguchi founded the modern sect of Nich ...

Number of words: 410 | Number of pages: 2


... Almost every valid point made about can be validly opposed. It is quite possible in India, or in any area that is widely practiced, to find two true Hindus with contrasting practices and beliefs. Devotional procedures are each individual’s personal responsibility as a Hindu. In fact, ritual, action, and daily routine, different as they may seem, may be what unites all Hindus. They will come closer to Brahman by what best suits them. I believe the worship of millions of different dieties to be another important aspect of individual devotio ...

Number of words: 832 | Number of pages: 4

Episcopalianism / Anglicanism

... which controlled all the land, driving away the Celtic inhabitants and imposing their own Civilization upon those that remained. At the end of century, the King of Kent married the daughter of the King of Paris. She was a Christian and was granted permission to bring a Bishop, her chaplain, to Kent. They encouraged the King to allow Christian missionaries to come to Kent (Wakeman, 2-9). In the year 585, Gregory, a missionary, saw some white skinned, blue-eyed, blonde haired slaves for sale in Italy. He then sought permission to ...

Number of words: 3440 | Number of pages: 13

Egyptian, Babylonian, And Hebrew Religions

... there be light," and there was light. He then separated the light from the darkness. He also created the land, plants, and animals. He saw everything he created and, behold, it was good. The heavens and earth were completed and all that dwelled within them. On the seventh day he rested. The earth was complete, but there was nothing to take care of this creation. So, God created man in the image of himself. Man was created from the dust of the ground. God gave him the breath of life and the man became a living soul (Moses 1:1-2:7). W ...

Number of words: 984 | Number of pages: 4

God And A Divine Plan?

... has a divine plan and everything in life is already decided by God, others said that God gives us all a free will and we decide what happens in our lives, but God is very much involved with our lives. I didn’t know exactly what I believed at this point, all of these people are Christians, yet they had different belief’s on how their lives are laid out. My family is Christian, my father was raised as a Catholic and my mother was raised as Baptist. My family doesn’t go to church every week, but when we do go we go to a Baptist church. W ...

Number of words: 1194 | Number of pages: 5

Three Important Qualities Of Christ's Life

... Most Christians try as hard to have these great characteristics, but there is no possible way that we could achieve such a goal. It is impossible for humans to reach that goal. It says in the Bible "For everyone falls short of the glory of God.". That right there is enough proof to show that we are not worthy of his presence. God is of the Spirit. He is not made of matter and mind, and he does not possess a physical nature. Some think that God is that of a human. There is no possible way that this could be, because in John 4:24 Jes ...

Number of words: 1249 | Number of pages: 5


... religions and the culture of the Chinese people. Although not accepted by our beliefs, its understanding helps build strength in our own religion. Reincarnation, life after death, beliefs are not standardized between the religions. Each religion has a different way of applying this concept to its beliefs. Ignorance of these beliefs is a sign of weakness in the mind. To truly understand ones own religion, one must also understand those concepts of the other religions of the world. Hopefully this will be an enlightenment on the reincar ...

Number of words: 2000 | Number of pages: 8

Resurrection Of Jesus

... will reflect on four sources and their discussion and meanings of resurrection. The four sources are The Reality of Jesus by D.Lane, The Eucharist, the Resurrection, and the Future by J. McKenna, What Are They Saying about Resurrection? by G.Collins, and Hope for the Flowers by T.Paulus. Although we can not fully understand the resurrection until it is our time, we cannot help but wonder. The mystery of resurrection can be traced to the historical life of Jesus. Through Jesus came strong faith from the Jewish people, this came to be fr ...

Number of words: 1393 | Number of pages: 6

What Is Buddhism?

... given to a man called Siddharta Guatemala, who lived about 2,500 years ago in Northern India. When he was 35 he found Enlightenment whist in profound mediation, after searching for years. In the next 45 years of his life he spent it traveling through India teaching his way of life. His teaching is known as Buddha-dharma. Traveling from place to place, the Buddha gained many disciples. They also taught of the enlightment, and the chain has continued on to this present day. The Buddha was not a God, and he made no claim to divinity. There ...

Number of words: 1037 | Number of pages: 4

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