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If Buddha Were Alive Today, How Would He Answer The Question: "How Should One Live"?

... according to Buddha, is anything that doesn't cause pleasure. Anytime you do not get what you want, it is suffering. Being born is suffering. In Buddha's theory, isn't practically everthing we do then suffering? Buddha defines suffering with the five aggregates of grasping. They are the aggreagates of grasping that is form, feeling, perception, mental formaitons, and consciousness. I don't agree with Buddha in any of this. I don't think suffering is caused by any of this. This is all life. I don't think that we are suffering all of this t ...

Number of words: 1192 | Number of pages: 5

What Is Satanism?

... knowledge that is gained beyond the five senses. Therefore, knowledge is received by some supernatural involvement or connection. Anton LaVey of the first church of Satan in San Francisco, California, says that "Satanism is a blatantly selfish brutal religion- It is based on the belief that man is inherently a selfish, violent creature… that the earth will be ruled by those who fight and win." Satanism challenges the biblical teachings regarding mans relationship to others. Young Satanist's believe that the strong will rule with Satan. Power ...

Number of words: 1201 | Number of pages: 5


... live by. A good example of the standard behavior that makes us so secular is in Wil Herbergs essay This American Way Of Life. Herbergs says so well , "the American way of life is a symbol by which Americans define themselves and establish their unity." The author means to imply that unity is something we all strive for. To be American is to be part a huge family, no matter what gender, color, or background. We stick together. We fight together, we laugh together, we grieve together as Americans. Terms like democracy, individuality, self-re ...

Number of words: 810 | Number of pages: 3

Succot: The Jewish Holiday

... so the stars and the sky can still be seen. Most Jewish families eat all their meals in the Succot, while some even sleep in them. During the Succot festival, thanks are given for all growing plants by using four plants which are symbolic of all the rest. These four plants also represent the Jewish people. The Etrog, or the citrus fruit, stands for the people who are educated in the Torah and who do good deeds. The Lulav, or branch of the date palm, stands for the Jewish people who have knowledge but no good deeds. The Hadas,or myrtl ...

Number of words: 449 | Number of pages: 2


... Zeus was notorious for being rather prolific, and when his wife, the goddess Hera heard that he had gone off and mated with a mortal, she became quite upset. Hera, in an attempt to exact her revenge, appeared to Semele and told her to ask Zeus to appear to her in his divine form. When Zeus obliged, Semele was immediately consumed in flames, for no mortal can look upon a god in his natural state. However, Zeus saved the unborn Dionysus by sewing him up in his thigh, thus incubating him. What happened next is different in every story. Some ...

Number of words: 654 | Number of pages: 3

Judaism And Christianity

... the universe. However, at an early period, Judaism conceived of God in anthomorphic terms so Judaism was polytheistic at the very beginning. But as time went by, Yahweh become “one” who is the creator. Moreover, in Judaism people didn’t reject the existance of the other gods in the beginning but they believed in only one god. Unlike Judaism, Jesus refused to accept the existance of other gods. are similar religions interms of basic concepts. Both in Christianity and Judaism, there is a baptism ceremony which cristians perform a cerem ...

Number of words: 558 | Number of pages: 3

Religion: Judaism Or Judaisms?

... temporal subdivisions labeled the Tribal / Pre-Monarchy Period, the Divided Monarchy, and the Hasmonean / Maccabean and Roman Era. Among all the time periods where the religion has been split, these three seem to be the most representative of the forces responsible. As for a common thread seen throughout all Judiasms, the area of focus here is the place associated with the religion : Jerusalem. This topic will be covered in detail first, and then the multiple Judaism arguments will be presented. In this way, it is possible to keep a commo ...

Number of words: 1987 | Number of pages: 8

The Reformation Of European Religion

... priest and lawyer Jean Cauvin, and King Henry VIII of England. The Lutheran and Calvinist Reformations were very similar in principle, although the Lutheran Reformation was less widespread. Luther and Calvin held that not mere abuses of the Roman Catholic Church needed correcting, but that the Catholic Church itself was wrong in principle. Luther’’s cause for reformation of 16th century European religion came from his unnatural paranoia that he was damned. He had problems convincing himself that his spirit was pure and that he would ...

Number of words: 1499 | Number of pages: 6

Religion In Our Lives

... Old World Puritan religion. Also on campus, Rollins Chapel, supposedly a "universal place of worship", is structurally shaped like a cross, the symbol of the crucifixion of Jesus. Delving deep into these religious symbols, there exists a common thread uniting all religions. The aspect of community becomes the "heart and soul" of almost all religious groups around the world. It is this upon which George Weckman focuses his article. The author defines the characteristics of a community in a number of ways. For one, he claims that some s ...

Number of words: 1609 | Number of pages: 6

In The Beginning...

... The Genesis account, however, may be the most prominent of the two accounts. Within these accounts, are many similarities, as well as differences, which make these two writings well respected, while holding their own in the literary world. Though both accounts of the creation and flood are well respected on their own, when compared side to side, they are drastically different. Ovid's purpose for writing the creation story is geared more towards explaining creation as it happens, in his opinion, whereas the Bible stresses the fact that ...

Number of words: 1050 | Number of pages: 4

Bodily Resurrection And 1 Corinthians 15: 42-54

... following their last heartbeat. The approach I will take in analyzing 1 Corinthians: 42-54 will be to: 1) explain how the verses fit in with the overall structure of the book; 2) to explain and paraphrase the meaning behind the passage; 3) relate the verses to similar passages expressed elsewhere by Paul; 4) and lastly to touch upon some of the controversy associated with the verses. 1 Corinthians was written around 54 C.E. and was addressed to the congregation which was made up primarily of gentiles and was located in Corinth. At the tim ...

Number of words: 1551 | Number of pages: 6


... Magic rites, animal worship, and belief in demons are often combined with the worship of more or less personal gods or with mysticism, asceticism, and abstract and profound theological systems or esoteric doctrines. The worship of local deities does not exclude the belief in pan-Indian higher gods or even in a single high God. Such local deities are also frequently looked down upon as manifestations of a high God. In principle, Hinduism incorporates all forms of belief and worship without necessitating the selection or elimination of a ...

Number of words: 3379 | Number of pages: 13

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