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Fossil Fuels And Alternative Energy Sources

... day millions of people drive their automobiles to work where they spend the day in a well lit workspace. Yet, they never give a second thought to the source of the energy that their daily lives depends on. Over eighty-five percent of the energy that powers the planet is derived from the burning of fossil fuels (Information 16). Fossil fuels contain impurities and these “impurities such as sulfur also burn and produce potentially dangerous oxides” which are released into the air (Burning www 1). Releasing these oxides into the ...

Number of words: 993 | Number of pages: 4

The Luminescence Of Black Light

... characteristic of giving off light or radiant energy when ultra-violet light is allowed to fall upon them. This is called luminescence. In most cases, the wave length of the light radiated is longer than that of the ultra-violet excitation but a few exceptions have been found. The quantum theory attempts to explain this property by contending that a certain outside excitation causes an electron to jump from one orbit to another. It is then in an unstable environment causing it to fall back into its original orbit. This process releas ...

Number of words: 442 | Number of pages: 2

Linux Against Microsoft Windows

... an advantage of linux that a user can easily compare Linux with other operating systems. Unlike Windows, Linux is a capable of runnig on large variety of computer systems.One of them is Intel Based PCs.Most of the home users prefer Intel Based PCs.So they can run Linux on their computers(Windows can only run on Intel Based PCs).Digital Alpha systems are used by the huge companies.Linux has the capability of running on the Digital Alpha systems so it can reach the advanced users.Other computer system is Macintosh Power PC that is used by grap ...

Number of words: 1890 | Number of pages: 7


... contagious agent.1 This particular living entity was so small that it readily passed through a porcelain filter. With the invention of the electron microscope by Ernst Ruska, the virus' true anatomy was first time visible to us in 1933.2 They are so infinitesimal that billions could fit into a drop of water---or a drop of human blood. Viruses have the most exquisite ability to sense the right cell surfaces. They don't just cause diseases in people, they infect every form of life on earth. Some emerging viruses are very serious. Common ...

Number of words: 1533 | Number of pages: 6

Creationism And Darwinism

... springtime, depravity, farming, courtship, quasars, and bubble gum; all came from nothingness?, formed by chance...…? Of all the generations thus far to inhabit the Earth, we have the least excuse for not recognizing the quiet presence of The Scientific Mathematician who set everything into motion around us. We should be in awe, not presumptuous and skeptical. About 3,000 years ago King David of Israel wrote (Psalm 8:3-4) "When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained; w ...

Number of words: 1386 | Number of pages: 6


... Pacific waters that is brought about from time to time by naturally occurring oscillations in atmospheric pressure and ocean movements in th equatorial Pacific. The warmer ocean pumps more energy and moisture into the atmosphere and this in turn alters wind and rainfall patterns around the world. The atmospheric cirulation also changes when the sea-surface temperatures in the eastern tropical Pacific rise above normal. In normal, non-El Nino conditions, the trade winds blow towards the west across the tropical Pacific. These winds pile ...

Number of words: 1521 | Number of pages: 6

Involvement Of K+ In Leaf Movements During Suntracking

... oriented perpendicular to the sun’s rays, thereby maximizing the interception of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). In some plants, but not all, his response occurs particularly during the morning and late afternoon, when the light is coming at more of an angle and the water stress is not as severe (Donahue and Vogelmann). Under these conditions the lamina of the leaf is within less than 15° from the normal to the sun. Many plants that exhibit diaheliotropic movements also show paraheliotropic response as well. Paraheliotropism m ...

Number of words: 2307 | Number of pages: 9

Greenhouse Effect

... Though not until recently has it become a priority. So important, that figures such as Vice President Al Gore have spoken out. Many are realizing that the is not something to be put aside, yet rather something to be worked on and studied. "The displays that nature is not immune to our presence" (Kralijic, 1992). Ways must be found to lessen the threat of this growing crisis. If this effect were to continue and grow, the earth’s population would be exposed to serious threats. Carbon dioxide is essential for plants who use it for photosynth ...

Number of words: 967 | Number of pages: 4

Environmental And Genetic Affects And Schizophrenia

... about diagnosis. The annual incidence of schizophrenia is between 0.1 and 0.5 per 1000 depending on the diagnostic criteria used - representing a lifetime risk of 1 per cent (Strange, 1992). Onset of the disease is most commonly in late adolescence or early adulthood. In the U.S.A., schizophrenia fills more beds than almost any other illness and the financial cost of schizophrenia due to direct medical costs, lost productivity and Social Security pensions is between $30 billion and $48 billion according to Federal figures (American Pyc ...

Number of words: 3889 | Number of pages: 15

Clinical Depression A Disease Like Any Other.

... other addictions and suicide. Depression was diagnosed as far back as in the times of Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician, who called the disease melancholia. He viewed it as an abnormal behavior which was caused by other diseases. Hippocrates recommended rest, exercise and a change in ones diet as treatment to this illness. Later, in the middle ages, this abnormal behavior was considered to be a result of demonic possession. It was treated with exorcism, flogging and torture to drive the evil spirits from the body. It ...

Number of words: 1120 | Number of pages: 5

Drinking Water Contamination

... tap water of millions of Americans. In truth, according to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data, in 1994 and 1995, 45 million Americans drank water from water systems that fell short of SDWA standards.[1] Adding gravity to the situation, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the EPA advised that people with weakened immune systems should consult with their doctors and consider boiling their drinking water to kill any cryptosporidium.[2] This is just the tip of the iceberg. Some scientists believe that for every outbreak reported in ...

Number of words: 4200 | Number of pages: 16

Effects Of Smoking 2

... same yellow colouring appearing on the index and middle finger that hold the cigarette. These effects may not sound too harmful as they are cosmetic in nature and are only on the outside but these can inhibit one in subtle ways. There are many people who do not like smoker be it because of the smell the smoke or because of the stereotype that smokers are "bad". But these outside effects are instantly noticeable and people can react badly to you and thus make immediate bad impressions on people that you need to make a good impression on. Be it ...

Number of words: 498 | Number of pages: 2

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