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Renewables, The Energy Source For America’s Future

... increasing steadily. If our current trends continue, our nation and planet will eventually become uninhabitable. In order to prevent this, we need a new primary energy source that is environmentally benign. This source is renewable energy and is already readily available. The increased use of renewable energy, mainly wind and solar energy, and reduction of dependence on oil is the best way to solve our current energy dilemma. For the past fifty years, fossil fuels have been the main source of energy in the U.S. They are a great source of p ...

Number of words: 1078 | Number of pages: 4


... species of birds. Their habitats range from icy shores of Antarctica to the hottest parts of the tropics and from mountains, deserts, plains, and facts to open oceans and deeply urbanized areas. The sizes of birds range from the tiny bee hummingbird, which has a total length of two and a half inches, to the albatross, which has a wing span of eleven and a half feet. The largest bird is a bird that cannot fly, the ostrich. Ostriches can stand almost eight feet high and can weigh near 350 pounds. Other extinct birds have been measured to stand ...

Number of words: 751 | Number of pages: 3

Depression..a Deadly Disease

... Decisions are deferred and avoided. Simple tasks are shelved. Worst of all is the disintegration of your self-confidence. You fumble in speech and in action. The ringing of a telephone assaults you and you shrink from answering it.' …given by the famous writer W. Styrone, in his book entitled Darkness Visible, providing us with an in-dept description of his own personal experiences when he suffered from depression Over the course of the year, 17.6 million American adults suffer from a depressive illness. That is 10% of the popula ...

Number of words: 1858 | Number of pages: 7

Photochemical Smog

... toxic to humans and other living organisms. London is world famous for its episodes of industrial smog. The most famous London smog event occurred in December, 1952 when five days of calm foggy weather created a toxic atmosphere that claimed about 4000 human lives. Today, the use of other fossil fuels, nuclear power, and hydroelectricity instead of coal has greatly reduced the occurrence of industrial smog. However, the burning of fossil fuels like gasoline can create another atmospheric pollution problem known as photochemical smog. ...

Number of words: 1695 | Number of pages: 7

Deinonychus Antirrhopus

... a strong runner and carried its body horizontally on long, robust hind legs with its tail rigidly stretched out behind for balance as it attacked its prey. The jaws of its relatively large head were equipped with large, jagged teeth. The three toes of the forelimbs were armed with long, curved claws, one of which earned the animal its name: the second toe bore a 5 in hook -shaped, retractable claw that must have been a formidable offensive weapon. Deinonychus is known from fossil remains found in south central Montana during the 1960’s. I ...

Number of words: 661 | Number of pages: 3


... is below freezing (World Book Encyclopedia, 8). Many people confuse sleet with hail. They say sleet looks like small hailstones, but sleet is really frozen raindrops. Unlike hail, sleet forms near the ground in cold weather. The biggest hailstone ever found was discovered in Coffeyville, a small town in southeast Kansas. This hailstone weighed 1.671 pounds and was 17.5 inches in circumference. The largest stone previously on record was almost the same size. It was found in Potter, Nebraska on July 6, 1928. The hail ...

Number of words: 1296 | Number of pages: 5

Experiment To See If Soaking A Golf Ball Affects Its Distance

... averaging a loss of distance of up to 9 yards. The History of the Golf Ball: The first ever golf ball was called the Feathery and introduced in the 1400's it was a stitched leather pouch soaked and then stuffed with goose feathers. Upon drying, the feathers expanded and the leather contracted, forming an extremely hard mass. This was hammered round and painted white. The feathery sometimes flew over 300 yards and was durable - until it got wet. Then it would split open. The Gutta percha was introduced in 1850 and was made of ...

Number of words: 1434 | Number of pages: 6

Millennium Bug

... 2000 or the year that the computer was created. This may cause havoc on society, especially now we are so reliant on computers in our everyday lives. As a result the may cause major concerns in health, unemployment, our finance system and personal safety. Life and death situations could arise as hospital systems such as, life support and machines used to monitor a patients vital signs are among the systems at risk. Australian hospitals believe that as many as 60% of their machines may not work properly when the date rolls over. Local testi ...

Number of words: 692 | Number of pages: 3

Aedies Aegypti

... to moisture, lactic acid, carbon dioxide, body heat and movement (E.B. 1999) but we can not confuse the Aedes aegypti with any other mosquito for it has a very distinct look to it as well as a specific habitat. It has many related species and it’s geographic distribution is extremely wide and varied. The Aedes aegypti, with regard to both sexes, are generally similar in coloration (Womack 1993). The female adult is noticed by it’s small dark figure that is colored by white markings and banded legs. Its proboscis or snout is ...

Number of words: 933 | Number of pages: 4

A Chemist

... a college teaching job a Ph.D. is required (Choices). After obtaining a degree, your next step would be to find a job. According to Jerry Murphy, if you want an easy way into the chemistry field you need to know someone already in that occupation. For the most part in Missouri, employment is increasing. Nevertheless, if you are not restricted to finding a job in Missouri, in the United States a whole employment is expected to increase 21% (Choices). After finding a job in the chemistry field that you will enjoy another quesiton a ...

Number of words: 458 | Number of pages: 2

Mitochondria 2

... shape and divide. They are distinct organelles with two membranes, the inner membrane and the outer membrane. The outer membrane is smooth and limits the organelle. It is highly permeable to small solutes such as molecules and ions, but it blocks off passages of proteins and other macromolecules. The inner membrane of the mitochondria is folded into shelf like structures called cristae. The cristae does not even allow the passage of small ions and so it maintains a closed space within the cell. The many infoldings of the cristae are resp ...

Number of words: 752 | Number of pages: 3

A Brief History Of Clocks: From Thales To Ptolemy

... illustrated the "wandering" of the sun, the moon, and the planets against the fixed position of the stars. Shortly after Archimedes, Ctesibus created the Clepsydra in the 2nd century BC. A more elaborate version of the common water clock, the Clepsydra was quite popular in ancient Greece. However, the development of stereography by Hipparchos in 150 BC. radically altered physical representations of the heavens. By integrating stereography with the Clepsydra and the celestial sphere, humanity was capable of creating more practical and accurat ...

Number of words: 4266 | Number of pages: 16

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