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Hydrogen 2

... hydrogen is Greek for water former. Hydrogen was once called "inflammable air" by a British scientist names Joseph Priestly . French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier then renamed it to today's name, hydrogen. Hydrogen can be produced in many ways. Electrolysis is a common way hydrogen is produced. Electric current is passed through water which releases the lements it is made of. These elements are hydrogen and oxygen. Today's efficiency of this method is about 65 percent, however 80-85 percent are possible with more research. Another met ...

Number of words: 1155 | Number of pages: 5

Roswell Incident

... what occurred, and propose a course of action that will allow the truth to emerge. It was July 1947, the day started out just like any other day. People of Roswell were going off to work, going downtown shopping, and the little ones were at playgrounds with their mothers. Day in and day out townspeople would drive by the military without giving it much thought. However, this day, in Roswell, New Mexico would change the course of history, and how the public thinks of themselves, God and the outer limits of space! Roswell New Mexico wa ...

Number of words: 5103 | Number of pages: 19

Effect Of Temp On Endo And Ectotherms (metabolism)

... rate of oxygen consumption indicates the energy expenditure of an organism, or its metabolic rate (Grolier1996). Metabolic rate is directly linked to the core temperature in an animal. An ectotherm, or cold blooded animal, warms its body mainly by absorbing heat from its surroundings. The amount of heat it derives from its metabolism is negligible. In contrast, endotherms derive most or all of its body heat from its own metabolism (Campbells,p899). Because ectotherms do not produce their own heat, they cannot actively ensure their ideal temp ...

Number of words: 1050 | Number of pages: 4

Effects Of Smoking

... health. Though filters help block some of the chemicals, they will not stop them completely. Nicotine is an addictive drug and also one of the most dangerous ingredients in cigarette tobacco. Cigarette smokers are addicted to the nicotine in cigarettes just like a junkie is addicted to heroin or cocaine. When a person smokes a cigarette the body reacts immediately to the chemical nicotine. Nicotine begins to effect a smoker’s blood pressure, the flow of blood from their heart, the heart beat and breathing rate. Cig ...

Number of words: 466 | Number of pages: 2

Biological Warfare

... cimean congo HF, rift valley fever, and vee. Use of these types of viruses and bacteria are becoming widespread in many areas of the world because they can affect many people efficiently and are cost effective. Biological weapons can ve traced back to Exodus when God placed the ten plagues upon the Egyptians, as a result of Pharaoh’s refusal to free the Jews from slavery. These plagues included blood, frogs, vermin, flies, murrain, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and the slaying of the first born. Even though this type of warfare may ...

Number of words: 1787 | Number of pages: 7

Marijuana 2

... a sticky black liquid called hash oil. There are three distinct species of cannabis: Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis, though there is some argument as to whether these should be considered varieties rather than species. Most recreationally used cannabis is the result of interbreeding between these three types. The term 'hemp' is generally used to describe low-thc varieties of cannabis, which are grown for industrial uses. The strength of cannabis varies greatly from one variety to another. Some, known as 'one-hit-s ...

Number of words: 863 | Number of pages: 4

Reproduction: A Courting To Nature

... It was, rather, for another - for her preening rival across the Bavarian lake. Poor goose. Will she mate with the gander of her dreams? Or will she trail him for years, laying infertile egg clutches as proof of her faithfulness? Either outcome is possible in an animal world marked daily by scenes of courtship, spurning and love triumphant. And take note: these are not the imaginings of some Disney screen-16 writer. Decades ago Konrad Lorenz, a famed Austrian naturalist, made detailed studies of Greylags and afterwards showed no hesitat ...

Number of words: 967 | Number of pages: 4

Nuclear Proliferation

... India VI. Conclusion What is the status of the international nonproliferation of nuclear weapons? One day on a cold, bleak Russian night a world disaster was almost destined to happen. Alexander Kuzminykh, a 19-year old teenager, was aboard the submarine the Vepr when he attacked the sentry and killed him with a chisel. Panicking he grabbed the guard’s AK-47 and killed seven more crew members on the way to the torpedo bay where he locked himself in. This suicidal teenager the stayed in the bay for twenty hours threat ...

Number of words: 2833 | Number of pages: 11

The Destruction Of The Ozone Layer

... is really disappearing, we need to understand what it is and what it does. When ultraviolet light from the sun hits the earth's atmosphere, it hits and divides the oxygen molecule (O2). Each molecule then attaches with other oxygen molecules to form O3. O3 is ozone. So when ozone is formed, harmful rays from the sun are absorbed. The O3 molecule is very reactive and it bonds easily with other molecules it the atmosphere. When and oxygen atom from the ozone reacts with a chloride ion from chlorine monoxide, the ozone molecule is destroyed. So ...

Number of words: 765 | Number of pages: 3

Moon Expoloration

... major problem, and no one was injured. There was three deathes on the lanchpad but none in space. The Apollo Spacecraft was developed from the work of two other programs, the Mercury and Gemini Programs. The actual spacecraft was made of the combined Command Module and the Service Module also called the CSM. It was 34ft. long and 10ft. in diameter at the end. It had a major advantage with its internal guidence system, that was developed by The Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The CSM was made of two parts. The crew stayed in the Co ...

Number of words: 538 | Number of pages: 2

Plate Tectonics

... would also explain the same fossils found on 2 continents, separated by large oceans. Although the continents fit together nicely, and it would solve many of the earth's mysteries, people still rejected the idea that the continents moved for several reasons. Ignorance and strong religious beliefs played a part in this, but it was mainly rejected because of the lack of a good explanation for the movement of the continents. Wegener's theory for the movement of continents was called continental drift. This was not believable at the time beca ...

Number of words: 516 | Number of pages: 2


... Tundra (AAT) terrestrial biome occupies the Nome, Alaska area. Vegetation characteristic in this area is described as treeless; dwarf shrubs, stunted sedges, mosses, lichens, short grasses; alpine and grass meadows. Los Angeles, California, placed on Mediterranean shrubland (MSh) terrestrial biome. Vegetation characteristic in this area is described as short shrub, drought adapted, tending to grassy woodlands chaparral. In Fargo, North Dakota, needleleaf forest and montane forest (NF/MF) makes vegetation in that area characterized as is n ...

Number of words: 690 | Number of pages: 3

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