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Global Warming

... downward trend since 1979 . . . the trend is about 0.05 C per decade cooling." The reports of a rising climate are not accurate. The supporting measurements are taken from the surface. These readings do not cover enough of Earth's surface to be considered accurate. Also, even if they covered 100 % of the ground temperature 70 % of the Earth is water so the readings would still not be acceptable. Orbiting satellites cover 99 % of the Earth's surface. According to surface-based temperatures, 1997 was the warmest year on record. According t ...

Number of words: 368 | Number of pages: 2

Perception: Seeing Is Believing - UFOs

... were dubbed "UFO's". The acronym UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. Modern electronics and science have helped us in the search for an explanation of these mysterious floating objects. In actuality they haven't gotten us much further on the mission for proof of other living beings in the universe. But in a universe so incomprehensibly large that we no not even a boundary, I sincerely doubt that the human race is the only form of life. It seems certain scientists have come up with other hypotheses concerning UFO's. While all as ...

Number of words: 685 | Number of pages: 3


... presently use. Primitive man used instinctively as a form of survival. Today we do not remember how to access that part of our brain. There are teachers who can help develop this skill to some degree, but I do not know of any teacher who can help you develop so that you can use it 'at will' in our present third dimensional reality. Teenagers are most wanting to develop and other higher skills such as telepathy, as they know they will use them in their lifetime. On an intuitive level they know we are shifting reality soon where this a ...

Number of words: 3442 | Number of pages: 13

Dna 2

... of either the A chain or the B chain of the insulin molecule, or the entire proinsulin molecule. Prior to 1986, the A and B chains of the insulin molecule were produced by separate fermentations (growth of the genetically altered Escherichia coli under controlled conditions). The chains were purified and later combined by chemical techniques to produce insulin structurally and chemically identical to pancreatic human insulin. (Hyde, 1984) As of 1986, human insulin began to be produced by a process which involves the enzymatic conve ...

Number of words: 1906 | Number of pages: 7

Mistakes People Make With Steroids

... size and strength, and help you train in less time. Today everyone seems to be looking for shortcuts to do just about everything. Performance enhancing drugs and supplements are just the thing for someone who is looking toward “bulking up” and increasing strength in a small amount of time. Steroids allow its users to recover more quickly from exercise than a natural athlete, so they can return to the gym sooner for another workout. So that means less work equals more muscle gain, compared to working out normally with no s ...

Number of words: 1176 | Number of pages: 5

Acid Rain

... that falls, for that rain is naturally slightly acidic. It is caused by today's industry. When products are manufactured many chemicals are used to create it. However because of the difficulty and cost of properly disposing of these products they are often emitted into the atmosphere with little or no treatment. The term was first considered to be important about 20 years ago when scientists in Sweden and Norway first believed that acidic rain may be causing great ecological damage to the planet. The problem was that by the time that t ...

Number of words: 1923 | Number of pages: 7

Ground Water In Ontario

... Only the United States exceeds Canada's rate of consumption. In his article, Water from the Ground, Peter Gorrie writes that Canada uses "an estimated 1.5 billion cubic meters of [water] each year", (Gorrie 71). And while Canadians are for the most part are unaware of how much water they consume, they are even less aware of its presence around them. For water is an immense natural resource that rests not only around Canadians, but beneath their feet as well. In no region is this more pervasive than in the province of Ontario. Ontarians wa ...

Number of words: 1970 | Number of pages: 8

Dolphins 2

... accounts. Some of these stories originate from ancient Greece and were told by great philosophers. One such story claims that Odysseus’ son, Telemachos, was saved from drowning by a dolphin. Dolphins have also been accounted for in writing. In the play Twelfth Night by Shakespeare, a singer by the name of Arion was sentenced to be thrown into the sea by pirates. Before he was thrown into the sea, he asked for one last wish: to sing a song and then jump overboard himself. The pirates granted him this wish, and he began to sing a high- ...

Number of words: 3526 | Number of pages: 13

Salt Pollution

... and mobility for motorists, commercial vehicles and emergency vehicles. Salt is used as the principal deicer because it is the most available and cost-effective deicer. Rock salt is preferred because it is cheap and effective. It costs 20 dollars a ton where as an alternative like calcium magnesium cost around 700 dollars a ton. Some 10 million tons of deicing salt is used each year in the U.S. and about 3 million in Canada. Salt is used to keep snow and ice from bonding to the pavement and to allow snowplows to remove. When salt is a ...

Number of words: 1448 | Number of pages: 6

Science Experiment On Odor Changes Of Various Chemicals

... mixtures were warmed. My hypothesis for this experiment was that the different smelling chemicals, after being mixed together and heated, would bond together and the molecules would heat up, reacting with each other and giving off special scents. As you will see, it took a lot of researching to come up with the correct answer and see if my hypothesis was correct. I first had to research all of my chemicals and note their specific contributions to the experiment. The chemicals included vinegar, ethyl alcohol, sulfuric acid, salicylic acid, ...

Number of words: 1820 | Number of pages: 7

Creatine 3

... veins to increase the amount of muscle mass produced from weightlifting. The use of anabolic steroids came with many risks, which people at that time hardly knew of. Many didn't know entirely what kind of effect it might have later in life. But after a while, some professional athletes and high profile people started showing the side effects that are associated with them. For example, Lyle Alzado, a popular star in the NFL, developed a brain tumor and died. Also one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time and famous actor, Arnold Schwarze ...

Number of words: 2235 | Number of pages: 9


... There are two distinct, though related, aspects to the mythical view of : the myth of the altered state, and the myth of the unconscious mind as a reservoir of repressed memories, numerous personalities, past lives, and for some, mythical insights and occult truths. Thoughts of began in the 1970's with an Australian physician Franz Mesmer who would rely heavily on the power of suggestion. Franz's last name is where the term mesmerize came about. Later the term emerged through an English surgeon named James Braid. is a Greek word, wh ...

Number of words: 763 | Number of pages: 3

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